Watching: The Mentalist, Haven, Leverage
Playing: Mabinogi.
Reading: random blogs
mood: slightly irritated
Latest Rant:
Hard to put into words. There are times when I feel almost lonely.. wanting someone with a like mind to share my obsessions and interests with.. and other times when I unintentionally ignore people I should connect with.. like relatives. My excuse is simple enough, to me at least. I really have nothing new to say.
Here come the holidays again. As usual, I am not ready, nor am I really 'feeling' the spirit of it. Is it just me? It probably is.... just more of the same ol feelings of drifting along being of no worth.. floundering. how depressing!
Lingo resources..
Found a nice site for learning a bit of kanji called WaniKani. It has a nice approach for learning.. looking at it from the radical side, rather then the traditional stroke-order side of things. and it also utilizes Mnemonics to help remember them a bit more easily. Only downside is, you get 2 lessons free, then need a monthly subscription to continue... and for us dirt poor/lucky just to be online peoples...its not an easily surmountable issue. but then again, its also fairly cheap considering knowledge vs cost. certainly cheaper by far then if you took a collage class on it.
Byki from transparent software, is still a really good choice for flashcard learning... and even the express allows for user content. Of course, as a free user, you cannot create your own lists, but there are plenty of others offering their lists free.. which makes this software rather nice to keep track of.
And then there's Anki... which, considering the limited resources of any value available free on the net, isn't too shabby. It's a bit like a dictionary of yer own making, and part flashcard tester. Not as colorful and bold, or as voice-worthy as Byki is, it's a work in progress though.. so worth the look-see for language learners.
oh, and take a look at Memrise. Its a bit like an online visual of Anki really. people make up lists with pictures, sometimes sound, and user mnemonics.. and the site quizzes you on them, even sending you reminders as needed. Be aware though, the quizes are on a time limit.. so you can't mull over the possible answers for long.
Kat-Tun's own Kame singing Plastic Tears
Merry Christmas, Happy b-day, St Stephen's Day, Boxing Day, Day of Goodwill, winter solstice, Hanukkah, Diwali, Festival of Lights, Celebration of Light, Soyal, Shabe Yaldā or Shabe Chelle, Mothers' Night, Pancha Ganapati, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Yule, Anastasia of Sirmium Feast Day, Malkh, Kwanzaa, Saint John the Evangelist's Day, Holy Innocents' Day, Saint Sylvester's Day, Watch Night, Hogmanay, New Years, Saint Basil's Day, Twelfth Night, Epiphany and/or whatever it is you are celebrating for this month!
You wish me yours and I'll wish you mine, and together this season, we shall be merry!