Thursday, December 13, 2012

Uphill climb.. From the foot of a mountain range.

Listening to: Hallyu Back Video Reviews
Watching: The Mentalist, Haven, Leverage
Playing: Mabinogi.
Reading: random blogs
mood: slightly irritated
Latest Rant:

Hard to put into words. There are times when I feel almost lonely.. wanting someone with a like mind to share my obsessions and interests with.. and other times when I unintentionally ignore people I should connect with.. like relatives. My excuse is simple enough, to me at least. I really have nothing new to say.

Here come the holidays again. As usual, I am not ready, nor am I really 'feeling' the spirit of it. Is it just me? It probably is.... just more of the same ol feelings of drifting along being of no worth.. floundering. how depressing!

Lingo resources..
Found a nice site for learning a bit of kanji called WaniKani. It has a nice approach for learning.. looking at it from the radical side, rather then the traditional stroke-order side of things. and it also utilizes Mnemonics to help remember them a bit more easily. Only downside is, you get 2 lessons free, then need a monthly subscription to continue... and for us dirt poor/lucky just to be online peoples...its not an easily surmountable issue. but then again, its also fairly cheap considering knowledge vs cost. certainly cheaper by far then if you took a collage class on it.

Byki from transparent software, is still a really good choice for flashcard learning... and even the express allows for user content. Of course, as a free user, you cannot create your own lists, but there are plenty of others offering their lists free.. which makes this software rather nice to keep track of.

And then there's Anki... which, considering the limited resources of any value available free on the net, isn't too shabby. It's a bit like a dictionary of yer own making, and part flashcard tester. Not as colorful and bold, or as voice-worthy as Byki is, it's a work in progress though.. so worth the look-see for language learners.

oh, and take a look at Memrise. Its a bit like an online visual of Anki really. people make up lists with pictures, sometimes sound, and user mnemonics.. and the site quizzes you on them, even sending you reminders as needed. Be aware though, the quizes are on a time limit.. so you can't mull over the possible answers for long.

Kat-Tun's own Kame singing Plastic Tears

Merry Christmas, Happy b-day, St Stephen's Day, Boxing Day, Day of Goodwill, winter solstice, Hanukkah, Diwali, Festival of Lights, Celebration of Light, Soyal, Shabe Yaldā or Shabe Chelle, Mothers' Night, Pancha Ganapati, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Yule, Anastasia of Sirmium Feast Day, Malkh, Kwanzaa, Saint John the Evangelist's Day, Holy Innocents' Day, Saint Sylvester's Day, Watch Night, Hogmanay, New Years, Saint Basil's Day, Twelfth Night, Epiphany and/or whatever it is you are celebrating for this month!

You wish me yours and I'll wish you mine, and together this season, we shall be merry!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A sudden pet peeve

Listening to: ...
Watching: Grimm, Castle, The Mentalist, Haven
Playing: Mabinogi.
Reading: random blogs
mood: annoyed
Latest Rant: gawd I hate it when.. i get interrupted by a third party, who then gets pissy with me for trying to finish my convo. *heaves a big sigh* Now I'm all annoyed. great.

Also annoyed with changes to something I have finally gotten used to... several things changing just after I finally gotten used to how it all works.

This site was once so nice, small, and stable..

now, it seems, they always come up with an upload error.. So I can no longer use them.. So I currently have no where to post mp3s. *pout*

Blogger has changed rather drastically, and although I can cope with the new editing box.. it's difficult to get past the changes for tags.. as the whole box randomly moves over the top of the editing box and I can no longer use the editing area without having to reload the whole page and then maybe not.

Photobucket has also changed quite a bit. fortunately, they are still allowing me to add to my already massive list of pictures. Just more hoops to jump through.

Yes, I am still a bit growlish with nexon over the pisspoor way they handled the mapletheft. Even after it was finally over the only compensation for having lost a lot of rl money was.. maplestory hair coupons..?!! really?

Added to my list of gripes... do people REally understand the meaning of the genre of romantic comedy? it means, a good portion (if not an equal share) of both romance and comedy in a drama, series, or movie. what it does Not mean is.. a bucket full of tears or traumatic horror being the main if not the sole carrier of the drama. Nor does it mean romance OR comedy. geez people! get it straight already!!
If your going to give an answer to the age old question of "which are good romantic comedies?", please don't just answer as you please without first considering the -whole- question.
I swear, some people are dumber then a post with training wheels! \./

Edit:.. DivShare fixed whatever the issue was not allowing me to add songs! YaY! They are great again!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A road well traveled

Listening to: ...
Watching: 9 end 2 outs, Grimm, The Mentalist, Haven
Playing: Fairyland on Facebook occasionally and Mabinogi.
Reading: uh... Mabi chat?
mood: frustrated, a little tearful and angry
Latest Rant: see below....

you ever find yourself suddenly screeching to a halt in your walk of life with this horrible feeling that your on the wrong road?

and you can just barely make out a path, you 'know' is your opportunity.. but.. its so far away.. might even have missed it already

thats where I am atm. life sucks.

i get mad at myself.. for not having the will to want to even reach for that path.
because it seems when Running for it in the past.. i ended not a cm closer... just on the same-o different place, same channel
same place different channel.. completely like the original really
so i stop even wanting to look, much less reach for it.

these dreams are well out of reach for me. too far

i feel i am wasting my life...
like im just going in circles

time hasn't said 'bip' this whole last several years. and trying my best.. just landed me in the same situation

i figure.. if i can reach this dream.. I'll make another to reach for. right?
but i cant even reach this one.
kinda makes me feel its all a bit fruitless. meaningless
i grow weary of spinning in circles

if I'm not moving. im stagnating. to stagnate for me, is to die

i have a goal.. i cant make out its detail..
but no idea how to reach it and its too far away to want to try

in the past, when confronted with such a dilemma.. my response was flight...
but really. i cant do that this time.
every time i ran away, it just landed me in the same general situation
feels a bit like a cage with no visible bars
its frustrating

i know.. its all a bit esoteric or something... like smoke or.. fog or something..
guess thats what makes pipe dreams
frustrates me doubly that i cant find any answers.. no matter where or to whom i ask
so's ok if you dont know what to say :)

I understand

there is something about writing.. perhaps.. no confidence though. why?!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

more video talent?

If Super Mario Land only had Lyrics

by Kanjani6

Don't Know

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Listening to: Nightmare Before Christmas ost, The Piano Guys
Watching: Drama- Vampire Prosecutor 2
Playing: Dragonnest
Reading: reading? um.. this post?
mood: slightly under the weather... which is too sunny for my liking.
Latest Rant: a little disgruntled over the new editing hoops to jump through on blogger. for example... the fact that the sideline pull out for labels goes out too far and offsets the main editing window with no way of getting it back to normal size. Also, the labels themselves, has a way to 'select' up to 10 labels... but no way to 'exclude' up to 10 labels. and.. while there is a way to preview posts you are editing, there is no way to see the post you were working on after it has been posted. This is especially annoying if the post you are working on, happens to be an old one.

And while I'm on the soapbox, here's another growl-out for Maplestory.. who -knows- they messed up big time, when they allowed hackers to have access to even the most secure accounts on Nexon.. Even of those who no longer play the game but play others in the Nexon fold. And then, to dare compensate with crap on maplestory only? what the heck? ok ok.. maybe I should be thankful you compensated at all.. but really.. I have zero desire to play that game ever again, nevermind that my computer will no longer even play it anymore. my greatest desire is to totally scrap those maplestory characters altogether and leave my account to the games I -do- still play.

and in a related note... what about "free2play" do most game companies not get? free-to-play does not mean.. free-to-try, not for 10 mins, or 2 days.. or until level 5. It's not a limited thing! Nor does it mean.. Free to Play.. so long as you have money to spend on items needed for additional level kudos or access to special areas to be able to continue the game with. (gasping breath!)
It means that it's actually possible to play clear through the game without spending anything in rl moneys.. But... if you want that spiffy outfit or you simply must have that flashy cool mount.. you can pay for it and look super cool as you head for the 'finish line'. you can also buy power ups or super boosts, or special resurrection tabs to help you on your way.
Not to name names, and yet I just might... but really, guys, get yer act right if yer so determined to play the part. *grumble mumble*

Feeling restless and horribly disappointed in my online game home, I'm once more considering options.. and new portals to peruse. I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes.

Mabinogi g16


Dragon nest

Dragon Nest...

Eden Eternal

Monday, September 10, 2012

...and again..

not sure just what became of my contacts list in the msgrs i use.. but although the program starts up and seems fine, i have no list... nor can i ask for ask for add with someone I know was on the list. *looks totally lost and confused* well, I'll keep trying.. but for those who might be wondering where I got to, there's my reason.

update: finally got to the point where I can re-add people if they msg me first. It does go through now. So.. if you want to chat with me on im.. be sure to send me a msg!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

lets try that again..

Listening to: "Freedom" by Kat-tun
Watching: Drama- pit-a-pat my love
Playing: Dragon nest.
Reading: JP for buzzy peeps
mood: s-ok
Latest Rant: They need to give peoples a bit more inventory space in Dragonnest to fit all those 'supeshul shtuffs' that you have no use for until later.. after you can no longer get them.

Hihi back on the net again. yay!! -took long enough-... well, its good to be back again. I have really missed having access to things and being able to chat with friends. I missed watching dramas.. unfortunately, the first one I got hold of just happened to be another of those reeeaalllyyy long one's I'm having to wade through.
I missed youtube's music vids and world events. I even missed the local weather page! It's amazing how,.. even being a naturally appreciative personality.. you still are not aware of just how much those things have really influenced you're life..until you no longer have them around. It certainly made me marvel at just how addicted I am to the net,.. especially considering how long I have determinedly been on it.

oh yeah, happy labor day yall. and if you see me about, be sure to wish me a happy b-day for the 8th. ^ ^ I'm thankful its no more "happy birthday, now go to school!" LOL! I want pocky.. and fishie-shaped cookies with sweet bean filling! :D

Monday, August 20, 2012

Can I kick my computer yet?

Hi again. Been suffering computer issues again this whole month,it seems like. Ninny thing just refuses to do some of the things I'd really like it to do! So-while it's being waited on I am stuck without. Hopefully be back soon though!
Growing tired of having to deal with the unanswered problems of my online home -unsure quite what to think yet.
Well, at least this has afforded me time for study. Yay, go me! (sarcastic snort)
I miss my dramas!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Here we are again.. another time around the wheel

Listening to: "Sha Sha De Yong Qi" by Fahrenheit
Watching: Drama- Gentleman's Dignity
Playing: fairyland in Facebook. Mabinogi.
mood: -.-
Latest Rant: %^#%&*!! Maplestory!! Fix yer meekin game already! I want my NX back!

Finally got the place back into tolerable levels of heat. whew! to get rid of ala eye-strain headaches.

Finally got a little bit of editin love for my drama blog. Yay for Darkelfie!! BTW! Your welcome for the name borrow, Darks. If you ever want to start over with yer own bright idea, let me know so I can re-add ya. It's such a relief to me to have someone else helpin out a little. All those links can get intimidating after awhile.

For Those just now wondering what 'drama blog' I am referin to.. It's name is Magically Dramatical Mistakes. It's a review, among other things, of Asian dramas and movies. Please do give it a look-see and if you like it, do leave a comment.

oh! This 4th! I survived it again this year! and without actual tears too! it went by and I actually -wasn't- affected beyond a somber twinge or three. I even watched the fireworks! Perhaps I have found the right distraction combo at long last! woohoo! I sat there, being anti-social, as usual, and listened to music while thinking about symbols, words, dreams and dramas. lol!
For those of you with no clue as to what I'm talkin about, sorry. I have really sad memories for this time of year. usually, I am close to tears and depressed through much of it, particularly so when watching/hearing fireworks. I know its not a good time for me to be alone. so I go wherever there are friendly people, who don't give much mind to the sad girl in the corner.. I'll be fine. really. Just one of those times of the year, i suppose.

I'm thankful for God, Family, and Friends...without whom I would be the worlds most sad hopeless and helpless soul.

Portal news:

Mabinogi has turned another chapter in their book of generational leaps. Thats not to say it isn't fraught with glitches and fairly unpopular twists,.. still.. thus far, I'm rather enjoying some of the easier redos for g1-3. Feels good to think I can actually be of success at some of these quests after all this time. lol! so far so good in rolling through the first two gens by bow alone.
Also added fun, are the new fighter skills. Wield a pair of knuckles and those grizzlies that tested yer resolve before.. are toast!

Also, Mabi UA has taken on the refugees from Mabi EU servers.. not sure just what the issue was, but it's always rather nice to meet new faces. so Welcome Mabi Europe! Such welcome goes for all you possible mabi-ites as well!..

Come check out Fantasy life Mabinogi! One of the best of Free2play Games on the net!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

its a title

Listening to: "Pray for Japan" by Funky Monkey Babys
Watching: trying to think about it. .. soo hot tho.
Playing: fairyland in Facebook. stopped by online home, Mabinogi. played a bit of free Warcraft. (free2play until 20th level).
Reading: Japanese for Busy People ... who... arn't .. really that busy.
mood: hot and slightly grumpy
Latest Rant: Why is it I can't even think of a picture to go with ナ - na ??? Yeass, it -does- look like a knife.. doesn't solve the problem though! I need a NA picture I can remember!

Ahh so good to be back online once again! And with my own computer too! :D

Found a thought-provoking blog today. Seems this guy is doing similar to me, trying to learn Japanese step by step because of a lifelong interest. only problem is.. just after mentioning how cool technology is, he stopped posting... that was in Jan of 2010. Why stop?!! I just now found you!! Geez.. a few years too late, I guess. seems to ever be the case with me. ah well, guess I'll just... look through the past posts and hope for a few gems to keep me going with.

For me, it's mostly Japan, but I also have interest in knowing more about South Korea as well. Perhaps it's the whole 'Asia' thing, perhaps its all the dramas I have watched. lol! I imagine though, its a mix of both and a lot more.
Japan has a beauty in its language to me, like the words of a song you can only hum along to. There is elegance and charm in the very fiber of its people and traditions. Even as I can also see the not so wonderful things that is Japan, I feel I might could understand in some sense, as to why it is.

If I'm allowed a quote here..
"I will admit I'm not an expert on Japan. I couldn't recite the history of the country, I couldn't name the lineage of Emperors, I couldn't tell you the names of the past several Prime Ministers. I'm merely a person who has always had a fascination with a country that remains faithful to its history and traditions, and maintains a certain aesthetic tranquility, harmony and artistic quality to it, even in its bustling cities."

-Brendan にほんごがすこしわかります!(I Understand a Little Japanese!)

Kind of puts it nicely for me as well. Gambatte Nihon!

あとひとつ "atohitotsu"
by Funky Monkey Babys

Monday, June 18, 2012

some like it hot hot hot!.. some know better.

Sorry, I haven't been about of late, My computer is suffering issues of an unknown nature (bet it had something to do with that last HuGe lighting strike) and has been given into hopefully more competent hands then are my own in this matter, since then, I have been relegated to finding the time for my online addiction at the library for a bit.

Hopefully the issue will be corrected before too long and I'll be happily dancing the web freely once more.

Listening to: "Bokura no machi de" by Kat-Tun, "Sora mo Toberu Hazu" by Spitz
Watching: whatever I can next manage..
Playing: solo thumb wrestling.
Reading: Japanese for Busy People ... who... arn't .. really that busy.
mood: soooon, it must be... sooonn!!
Latest Rant: It's too hot to think straight.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A day in the life. ... still not much to say.

It's gotten hot here in TX. I'm not happy about it. I have been concentrating a bit more on my drama blog of late. Staying out of the heat as much as possible. Sorry to say TX summer, but I'm a cool/cold-weather girl.

Listening to: "Don't Know" by MBLAQ, "Breath" by B2ST
Watching: Queen Inhyun's Man
Playing: Castleville on Facebook and Mabinogi.
Reading: drama reviews. general kana
mood: ehh.
Latest Rant: Why is there so much umph on learning hiragana, and not hardly enough on katakana use.. when katakana is used more in Japanese writing, with hiragana only used as a helper, isn't it?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

More on the video front

La Linea Series - Episode 1 of 90

The Riddle
remixed by Gigi D' Agostino
song by Nik Kershaw
animation by Andreas Hykade
in La Linea style

Animator vs Animation
by alan Becker
followed by no. 2 no. 3 and no. 4

created by Madyeti47 Dony Permedi Animation
music by Tim Cassell

Simon's Cat

Mabinogi fun

Saturday, May 05, 2012

rants n raves... right.

Listening to: "Don't Know" by MBLAQ, "Breath" by B2ST
Watching: Rooftop Prince, King2hearts, Queen Inhyun's Man
Playing: Castleville on Facebook and Mabinogi.
Reading: reading.. reading.. uh...
mood: ehh.
Latest Rant: see below....

here's one... Not terribly impressed with bloggers upcoming changes. Seems to be making things harder rather then easier for us bloggers. ok, yeah, I know, the changes are 'small' and can be worked around... but there sure seems to be a lot of the annoying little buggers.

I did try using it.. I suppose I shall -have- to try again soon.. but its difficult to get used to for me. First that comes to my mind, is the whole, let's go back to edit that post you made about ohhh a month ago... somehow you remember all the right html.. and you finish editing the post and... how to repost it? ah, at the top, ok.. and.. err how to see the post? I don't actually care a fig for the preview since I know what I wanted to say... just... maybe I would like to follow a link that's one the post?... can't I just view the posted page? no? no.. I have to go searching for it all over again. geez.

now to be a little fair about it... I do rather like the expanded space for the post.. no more trying to fit everything into the little box. Just have to be more careful as to where you hit the return and where you put the silly br tags.

This is about as bad as Facebook's Timeline in the great unpopularity contest.

and just what is all this about country by countrys anyway?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lost in the valley of blehs

Listening to: "Wake Up" by Sung Joon
Watching: Rooftop Prince, King2hearts
Playing: a little bit of Castleville on Facebook.
Reading: Japanese manga translated to English
mood: sick.
Latest Rant: Why do people enjoy bandying the Word "Hate" about so freely?

I got knocked over with a fierce cold a day or so ago so have been spending the time dizzily sleeping, sneezing, coughing, hacking, irritated, annoyed, muffled, muzzy-headed, too hot, too cold, sleepy. sniffing, aching, headache, unsatisfied... not much(any) fun at all.

The weather here has finally gotten back into its usual springtime rain/sun/wind groove. We had such a ..non-existant winter, I was really starting to wonder.

what else... um.. uh.. still working a bit on drama blog pages.. still studying... going really slow atm tho. Not feeling in the mood to do much more then grumble, groan, whine,... and generally feel directionless.

I think I have a few too many of these kinds of days...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

watched Anime

Yobi, the Five Tailed Fox
Movie 85 mins
A slightly melancholic story. The aliens were cute, Yobi was cuter in her curiosity and playful impishness.

A small 5-tailed fox, living with a group of aliens, sparks an idea to rescue one of their family members from the human school children camping nearby. So under human guise, she joins them, hoping to convince the errant alien to return to the mountain with her. She is pursued by a hunter who is determined that she would not steal a human soul so she can be human... not that she wants to.

Kiki's Delivery Service

Kiki and Jiji
Fun story about a young witch, just coming of age, moves to a human city with her cat and gets a job working delivery out of a hilltop bakery.

Night on the Galactic Railroad/ 銀河鉄道の夜/ Ginga Tetsudō no Yoru

I didn't quite get to finish this one as the last part could not be found anywhere I looked on the net. I felt for little blue kitty, Giovanni. I understand there is a live-action of this film called "I Carry the Ticket of Eternity". I would like to see it, if it can be found.

A somber tale about a poor boy called Giovanni, who catches a galaxy train to the stars with his best friend, Campanella. There they meet several interesting sorts, including a fellow who catches swans and watches as they dissipate into 'sand' in his bag, a blind wireless operator who hears a staticy refrain and prayer, and a tutor with two youngsters, who tells him a story of being aboard a sinking ship.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Song and Dance

Lindsey Stirling

Ascendead Master

A Tango Performance
Inga Savitskaya (Inga Sawicka) - Moskwa 2004

Lesson In Leaving
Jo Dee Messina

Michael Meets Mozart
1 Piano, 2 Guys, 100 Cello Tracks
The Piano Guys

by Boyfriend

Chocolate Love

Love Ya
by SS501

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Another Day another nothing special.

I am continuing to update my drama blog.. still hoping for pleasing improvements. Eventually, I'm hoping to have actors linked with drama's so it'l be just a click to find another good drama/movie to watch. right? lol! go check it out! *poke link below*
--}Magically Dramatical Mistakes{-- post a comment to say you were there.

Haven't felt up to dealing with much else of late.

Language studies are still very slowly marching onward.. dunno if I'm actually learning anything or if it's just a mean circle of re-learning what I already should know. *yawwn*

I haven't seen any new portals of late, but then I haven't really been looking either... its a slump, I think.

Listening to: "Boyfriend" by Boyfriend, "Chocolate Love" by SNSD
Watching: Skip-Beat drama, Dream High 2, Shut up! flower boy band, Hungry! and Great Inheritance.
Playing: a little bit of Castleville on Facebook.
Reading: drama listings
mood: down-Neutral *glances over shoulder once again* >.> slightly bored and uncomfy.
Latest Rant: Facebook's changing-without-informing policies.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

confused garblness

Having ongoing issues with my sister.. *rolls eyes* more 'drama' I don't need from that corner.. All the pissiness isn't worth the accumulated stress imo. There isn't much in life that's worth that.

Also moving all my aDrama review stuff onto a new blog spot. Whew, sure are a lot of them. lol!! If yer looking to see brilliance in slow motion go check it out! *poke link below*
--}Magically Dramatical Mistakes{--

Listening to: "Boyfriend" by Boyfriend, "Full of Happiness" by Super Junior, and "Chocolate Love" by SNSD
Watching: Once upon a time, Castle!, Skip-Beat drama, Dream High 2, Shut up! flower boy band, and Hungry!
Playing: a little Mabinogi.. not much else.
Reading: drama listings
mood: flustered and grumpy
Latest Rant: growl, hiss, spit, pfft!!
Too much to go into really...