Howl's Moving Castle
Tales of a mostly Solo PVE Roleplay Character within the multi-verse of gaming... with -lots- of break-outs into other interests and the occasional obsession.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Day in the Life...
Nothing special so far for meee. *rolls eyes*
What more can I say?
there's been more work then play
It's this kind of day
that makes one want to say
lets just stay in bed by the way. :p
yeah I know that was a lame poem, but it really has been that sort of time so far.
It all started, I think, with my friend in the world of Rs getting unreasonably wiped out and losing a couple of irreplaceable nonrefundable items. orr.. maybe it started with the holiday make-up with relatives? now, don't get me wrong here, I'm not grumbling about the efforts at all... just a little muttering about having had to put it off. ahh the injustices of bad timing and running face-first into expectations. *I do that a lot, it seems*
Well, whichever it was that started it, it's been pretty much going non-stop since then.
And then there's this little bit of news I happened across.. some poor depressed kid ended her life because her internet boyfriend got mad at her. ohh, but thats not the part that really caught my attention. It seems that a mother and nextdoor neighbor had pulled a prank on the poor girl, by pretending to be the boyfriend to 'mess with her'. Naturally, when the parents of the poor girl figured this out, they were. . a bit upset. I'd imagine I would be too, were I them.
Now, I realize.. as the article pointed out, it wasn't illegal.. even knowing that the poor girl was taking drugs for depression and everyone knew this. Drugs which, of themselves, can make a person a little unstable. The neighbor may have drove her to this end, but she didn't physicly tug the rope that did it.
I imagine the neighbor got a few pieces of hate-mail for it never-the-less.
What the nieghbor lady did, was wrong. it was vile, low, underhanded, and mean-spirited. Not to mention, yet I am, that it gives other neighbors/adults on the internet a seriously bad name. Think about it for a moment. Gives another reason for that whole, don't trust anyone over 30, thing, doesn't it?
I personally, have known several very coo neighbors surfing the web and playing games online. They aren't out there to harm anyone. and even they, I am sure, would be aghast and dismayed at this particular neighbor's actions.
Age not-withstanding, what a simply horrible thing to do to another person! You'd think, as an adult, the neighbor lady would have known better. *shoot, even most kids would know better!* The two family's were friends after all.
Well, certainly not after this. I suspect that were I the mother of the poor kid, I'd have considered doing a lot more then just trashing a Christmas pool table and throwing it's shattered skeleton across the neighbor's yard. At the very least, I would not have remained living next door to the evil dark beast.
And all this without even looking at what the poor kid's part in this was.. because however the neighbor thought the poor kid might have been deserving, What the neighbor did.. was simply very very wrong on several levels.
The lesson for me in all this is.. to remember that the internet can be most fickle indeed. -Do- guard your heart closely in this space and -do not- be giving out personal and private info about yourself and family to anyone... not even to a neighbor. (thats passwords, phone #, address, or even your real age.) It's not worth the trouble it can cause.
Personal things such as these, aren't needed for a good solid friendship to happen anyway. and Real friends, even those only found on the internet, will understand if you say you cannot tell, and leave it at that.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
More vids
Chirstopher Walkin in.. Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice.
Walk without rhythm, it won't attract the worm
Walk without rhythm, it won't attract the worm
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Letters Backward
Letters To others, they know who they are, I'm sure.
To a claimed follower...
you still back there? lol!
To a mystery grizzly...
You still back there too? O.O Who the heck -are- you?! Shove off already!
To a group of 'Cindi-did-it' leaders...
If it has not yet, it will come back to you, you know. Some people call it karma, others retrubution. might even call it eye for an eye.. but whatever it is.. the deeds have not been forgotten and you -will- have to pay for it...during or afterward. I'm still sorta hoping for both.
To the eforts of a -very- few in a lion's den...
ty. the potter's wheel is still spinning for me and the horse actually walked away from the barn this time!
To the A-frame at the lake...
You were a balm to a troubled time for me. Ty for letting me visit.
To an old friend who thought the worst of me...
I truely was innocent, both with intent and in deed. I only hope someday you figure that out.
To a sweetheart with a brand new duck...
Things sure have changed eh? A lot of water under the bridge. We had some fun times. Still sorry I had to end it. Hope all is well with you.
And to yet another, high-flying over other lands...
Ahemmm.. sorry. *blush* Be well. oh and.. she's still pretty cute in legacy for you. -_-' (I know I said I wouldn't tell.) Still miss you, way inside somewhere.. and it still hurts, but at least its a nameless quiet sort of pain now.
To a grounded angel and star-chaser..
Why did you have to go and do something so.. ~Stupid!!~ If for no other reason, you totally screwed up the game for me! alright fine, I'll give it another whirl sometime. I really loved that game too. *grumble*
To a brother...
Where the heck are you?!!
To a friend in total layout...
Ok ok.. I'm getting over it, I think. Thanks for talking so much. :D Guess we could try to carry on, only -this- time.. you do the leading! oh and.. they were just leaves, sheesh. ty anyway though. :)
To a friend in love...
Don't sweat the small stuff, k? yer cool, all's good. you love eachother right? it's all that should really matter in the grand scheme of things. Hang in there and tell the bad thoughts to take a hike. Things will work out.
To an Oryconner and a true friend...
Great! Have fun! then get back here! I miss you!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Anime Lipsincing & About Home
Here is one..
Every Little Thing She Does with Linus in Peanuts
These next vids are of my home in Dereth. Known outside as Asheron's Call. I really miss it.
One of my favorites..
and Last, but certainly not the least of which is Runescape.. home away from home.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Another Time Around the Wheel
How To Save A Life
by The Fray
Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
And pray to God he hears you
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
How to save a life
How to save a life
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
How to save a life
The Potter's Wheel
Words by Bill Danoff, Sung by J. Denver
The world is fast becoming younger
The news is all theyve ever known
Theyve seen the wars, the hurt, the hunger
How will they choose when they are grown
What do you tell forevers children
When its their turn to hurt and heal
Whatever spins a grim tornedo
Can also turn a potters wheel
Take a little clay
Put it on a wheel
Get a little hint
How God must feel
Give a little turn
Listen to a spin
Make it into the shape
You want it in
Tell with your life the bloody story
Teach to theyre dreams not burning steel
Its not in bombs where lies the glory
But in whats shattered on the field
The potters wheel takes love and caring
Skill and patience fast and slow
The works it makes are easily broken
Once they survive the potters throw
Take a little clay
Put it on a wheel
Get a little hint
How God must feel
Give a little turn
Listen to a spin
Make it into the shape
You want it in
Some day some children will be digging
In some long forgotten ground
And theyll find our civilisation
Or whats left of it to be found
Theyll find the weapons of destruction
But buried deeper in the hole
Theyll find a message and a promise
In the sand, the potters bowl
Take a little clay
Put it on a wheel
Get a little hint
How God must feel
Give a little turn
Listen to a spin
Make it into the shape
You want it in
Earth and fire and wind conspire
With human hands, and love, and fire
Take a little clay
Put it on a wheel
Get a little hint
How God must feel
Monday, October 29, 2007
Lower then Low
My efforts to make a bit of fun for someone.. along with others, which has managed to stretch over almost a week now.. involving lots of planning, chatting, and extending to get it all to working after a fashion with everyone, has completely broken down and crashed into tiny splinters at my feet. All with no real hope for recovery.
So here I sit, pondering... not only why it all had to crash just when it did, but why I even truly made all the effort in the first place.. it's just over the stupid internet, right? And then there's the confusion.. exactly why does it seem to hurt so much?!
Well. -sigh- hopefully I will get over the horrible shock of it all and get on with other things sometime soon. I can't stand feeling like this. I'm sure I'll post again at another time. TTFN
*smirks at her own slapped red hand.*
so much for that idea, huh?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Take two, they are small.. but Significant
I know you don't want to hear it, you probibly think you dont need anything at all. but It's nice to somehow to know the offer is there. At least it was to me.
You do have a friend in me if you want or need it. I can make a fairly nice sounding board for whatever you feel the need to share. (as long as I understand first that the sounding-out isn't about me.) or even just as a shoulder to lean on, or to hang around with. Even if it is only 'virtual.'
All I ask is that you remember.. in order to make a good friend, you must first be one. My hand is out there for you to take... but you still need to actually take it.
You Never Know
Author Unknown
You never know when someone
May catch a dream from you.
You never know when a little word,
Or something you may do
May open up a window
Of the mind that seeks the light
The way you live may not matter at all...
But you never know - it might.
And just in case it could be
That another's life through you.
Might possibly change for the better
With a broader brighter view.
It seems it might be worth a try
At pointing the way to the right.
Of course, it may not matter at all,
But then again it might.
The Greatest Pain In Life
The greatest pain in life
is not to die,
but to be ignored.
To lose the person you love so much
to another who doesn't care at all.
To have someone you care so about so much throw a party...
and not tell you about it.
When your favorite person on earth
neglects to invite you to his graduation.
To have people think that you don't care.
The greatest pain in life,
is not to die,
but to be forgotten.
To be left in the dust after another's great achievement.
To never get a call from a friend,
just saying "hi".
When you show someone your innermost thoughts
and they laugh in your face.
For friends to always be
too busy to console you
when you need someone to lift your spirits.
When it seems like the only person who cares about you,
is you.
Life is full of pain,
but does it ever get better?
Will people ever care about each other,
and make time for those who are in need?
Each of us has a part to play
in this great show we call life.
Each of us has a duty to mankind
to tell our friends we love them.
If you do not care about your friends
you will not be punished.
You will simply be ignored...
as you have done to others.
It was said, that this poem had been writen by a young girl who commited suicide. It speaks of a lot of sadness and lonelyness, doesnt it? Would anything have turned out differently for her if someone had given her a bit of unconditional love, care, and attention?
Just as a smile, given to someone you pass by on the street, might make thier whole day a bit nicer... so too, having friendship.. -a real friendship-, friends who care somthing about eachother, could make all the difference in the world to someone in silent need... just as the author of this poem was.
I had an internet friend commit very real suicide one day when I was saddly stuck offline right about this time of the year. He ment a great deal to me, perhaps, more then even I realized. We would often play Starcraft together with another friend. Since he has gone, I have lost much of my taste in this game I once loved beyond all others. I cannot even seem to do much more then look at it on occation, even now. In one way, I feel a bit guilty, perhaps if I had been able to be there when he most... when he -had- to speak with someone. Perhaps if we had been closer friends somehow... perhaps.. perhaps... I don't know what the answers might be. I do feel he is truely gone though. and it has once again, reminded me just how important friendship can really be.
None of us are truely alone. Someone somewhere really -does- care something about you in this world. It is a selflessly offered sort of love and honest concern for who you really are. It is not unhealthy, or for pretend or even simply 'convenient'. and it can be found.. even across this wide web.
Be thankful for that which you have in your life. the good things, and the things that made you grow. Where would you be now if you didn't have them, things like family, friends, and hot shower water?
Be thankful for your friends and smile a little bit. life really isn't as bad as you might think. Truely, I have been there.. and am constantly revisiting, it seems. If nothing else, take this as a piece of wisdom from me to you. Think on it a bit. It really is important.
"Don't go, Because you have been down there before, Neo. You know that road...and you know exactly where it ends." Trinity in The Matrix
"Cause I been there, done that, learned what I should know,
Got the footprints on my T-shirt, got the bruises I can show."
Echo's Children/Cat Faber
"In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry, you make it double
Don't worry, be happy"
Bobby McFerrin
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Another run-by Posting
I also checked in on a friend in the world of RScape. she seemed rather bored with all the back and forth across the cattleyard that she was having to do. well, hopefully it got her a bit closer to her goals. She's hoping to become a proficient crafter, which will be a good thing if she can just get her skill high enough.
Anyway.. Here's another song or two for ya. For some reason, these songs bring back such memories. hmm
Smokey Mountain Rain
by Ronnie Milsap
I thumbed my way from LA back to Knoxville
I found out those bright lights aint where I belong
From a phone booth in the rain I called to tell her
I've had a change of dreams I'm comin' home
But tears filled my eyes when I found out she was gone
Smokey Mountain rain keeps on fallin'
I keep on callin' her name
Smokey Mountain rain I'll keep on searchin'
I can't go on hurtin' this way
She's somewhere in the Smokey Mountain rain
I waved a diesel down outside a cafe'
He said that he was goin' as far as Gatlinburg
I climbed up in the cab all wet and cold and lonely
I wiped my eyes and told him about her
I've got to find her!
Can you make these big wheels burn?
Smokey Mountain rain keeps on fallin'
I keep on callin' her name
Smokey Mountain rain I'll keep on searchin'
I can't go on hurtin' this way
She's somewhere in the Smokey Mountain rain
I can't blame her for lettin' go
A woman needs someone warm to hold
I feel the rain runnin' down my face
I'll find her no matter what it takes!
Smokey Mountain rain keeps on fallin'
I keep on callin' her name
Smokey Mountain rain I'll keep on searchin'
I can't go on hurtin' this way
She's somewhere in the Smokey Mountain rain
by Michael Martin Murphey
She comes down from Yellow Mountain
On a dark, flat land she rides
On a pony she named Wildfire
With a whirlwind by her side
On a cold Nebraska night
Oh, they say she died one winter
When there came a killing frost
And the pony she named Wildfire
Busted down its stall
In a blizzard he was lost
She ran calling Wildfire
By the dark of the moon I planted
But there came an early snow
There's been a hoot-owl howling by my window now
For six nights in a row
She's coming for me, I know
And on Wildfire we're both gonna go
We'll be riding Wildfire
On Wildfire we're gonna ride
Gonna leave sodbustin' behind
Get these hard times right on out of our minds
Riding Wildfire
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Blehhhh.. :(
ok. so.. hm.. I got another note from this friend of mine I call ms J. ms J lives in this rather funny realm. I got to visit it once, it's a big place, mush like mine. and walking or sometimes running is the primary mode of progress there. When Ms J started out, she was a fisher of fish..and then got into mining. poor her. Thats serious back-breaking work! Somehow she survived it though..enough to be able to pick up the smelting and crafting of jewelry. It says in the letter, that she just crafted her first enchanted amulet! good for her! *reads on a bit* Says she also picked up a reasonable boyfriend. He doesn't demand she go fight tagteam with him like so many others seem to. That's certainly a good thing. rather, he's attentive and friendly.. so Now, she says, she can safely and truthfully tell all the guys following her about whining, to take a hike. lol! She would like to pick up farming.. but has to wait on that a bit longer. hmm.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Answered Quiz
Four Jobs I’ve Held:
Babysitting (blehhk), kitchen go-for, bean picker, and housekeeping.
Four Films I Could Watch Over and Over:
The Three Musketeers, Cats The Musical, Under Seige, and 10th Kingdom!
Four TV Shows I Watch:
(don't watch much tv.. but if I did...) Star trek(+), Naruto, InuYasha, and Murder She Wrote (yeah, I know, it's all reruns now).
Four Places I’ve Lived:
Michigan, Oregon, California, and New Mexico
Four Favorite Foods:
Hot Homemade Bread, Fresh Blueberries, Baked Ham, and Steamed Cabbage. (ok, so I'm wierd.)
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
Rainy Days Blog, Texas Trifles, Neopets, and Google.
Four Favorite Colors:
Royal Blue, Dark Purple, Forest Green, and umm ?
Four Names You Love, But Could/Would Not Use for Your Children:
Alfred, Jazreal, Beau, and Jon
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
A Brand New World
Personally, I think along the same lines as ms M. This strange man, mr M, needs to be sat-down and spoken with. He's clearly in some confusion as to which side has the right of it and needs some straightening out.. and soon before this goes too far for all of them!
What? Where?...huh?
Rather then give a run-down with all that.. I think I'll give a couple of snapshots of a past time. Lessee... I remember a time, somewhere in the dim fog of a much younger age... Lol! The time I lived in a haunted house with my father and sister. We were renting it in exchange for repairs, I think. anyway. the ghost 'resided' in a little room partitioned off from the rest of the house by a low banister, in the back of the house. as my dad got the only normal bedroom in the house, it was up to my sister and I to figure ourselves out for sleeping. neither of us would dare sleep in that little room. the, who/whatever it was, was not the best of housemates one could wish for. regardless of all that... I remember putting on a puppet show on the porch for no-one.. hows that for a highlight? *grin* I remember...climbing a tree and dreaming of a treehouse. ..of playing with bugs and the many ant-lions that inhabited the unused driveway. ..of a big bush next to a tire-swing that I could never get the hang of swinging on. ..of a bamboo stand I used to loooove to play in. ...of becoming horribly upset over a babysitting job that took the whole rest of my evening with several unruely boys, only to find out that one was still in diapers and having no means to change him.. having no place to lay them down.. no meal to give them.. and having the parents show up at 3am. (I remember swearing off babysitting from that point onward too.) ..of a time I learned that large milk jars, even if they are full of water, are not free from bursting when put over flame. ..of having to clean up the result from said 'tea' experiment because no-one else would. ..of running away from a school officer who had come around back to see if he could better figure why I was playing absent from school. (I started my rebel phase of life rather early. lol)
Monday, October 08, 2007
Just Because...
For no particular reason, I thought the idea of having a mood smiley put in with my posts. Not that I post everyday, mind you.. lol! So here's my mood at the moment.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Musical Mayhem
Everytime We Touch
by Cascada
still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch in my dreams.
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive.
'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so...
I can't let you go.
Want you in my life.
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky.
They wipe away tears that I cry.
The good and the bad times, we've been through them all.
You make me rise when I fall.
'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so...
I can't let you go.
Want you in my life.
'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
Accidentally In Love
by Counting Crows
So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love (love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love
Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love
So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love
Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love
These lines of lightning
Mean we're never alone,
Never alone, no, no
We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her
Love ...I'm in love
by Cascada
still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch in my dreams.
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive.
'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so...
I can't let you go.
Want you in my life.
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky.
They wipe away tears that I cry.
The good and the bad times, we've been through them all.
You make me rise when I fall.
'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so...
I can't let you go.
Want you in my life.
'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
Accidentally In Love
by Counting Crows
So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love (love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love
Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love
So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming all this love
Melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love
Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love
These lines of lightning
Mean we're never alone,
Never alone, no, no
We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her
Love ...I'm in love
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Yet Another Direction
The Sound of Silence
P.Simon & A.Garfunkel
Hello darkness, my old friend,
Ive come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
A neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one deared
Disturb the sound of silence.
Fools said i,you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you.
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon God they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whisperd in the sounds of silence.
P.Simon & A.Garfunkel
Hello darkness, my old friend,
Ive come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
A neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one deared
Disturb the sound of silence.
Fools said i,you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you.
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon God they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whisperd in the sounds of silence.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Speaking for Itself
Here is a set of lyrics from "Mother Nature's Son". This Musician's music and words has been an inspiration and comfort to me for many years and saw me safely through many many stressful times.
Although this one singer is now silent.. there still is the truth of his songs. I, for one, Greatly miss his presence and messages.
On the Wings of a Dream
- J.Denver
Yesterday I had a dream about dying
About laying to rest and then flying
How the moment at hand is the only thing
We really own
And I lay in my bed and I wonder
After all has been said and is done for
Why is it thus we are here
And so soon we are gone
Is this life just a path to the place
That we all have come from
Does the heart know the way
And if not, can it ever be found
In a smile or a tear or a prayer
Or a sigh or a song
And if so, then I sing for my father
And in truth you must know I would rather
He were here by my side
We could fly on the wings of a dream
To a place where the spirit would find us
And the joy and surrender would bind us
We are one anyway
Anyway we are more than we seem
There are those who will lead us
Protect us each step of the way
From beginning to end
For each moment forever each day
Such a gift has been given
It can never be taken away
Though the body in passing must leave us
There is one who remains to receive us
There are those in this life
Who are friends from our heavenly home
So I listen to the voices inside me
For I know they are there just to guide me
And my faith will proclaim it is so
We are never alone
From the life to the light
From the dark of the night to the dawn
He is so in my heart
He is here he could never be gone
Though the singer is silent
There still is the truth of the song
In the song
Yesterday I had a dream about dying
About laying to rest and then flying
How the moment at hand is the only thing
We really own
And I lay in my bed and I wonder
After all has been said and is done for
Why is it thus we are here
...And so soon we are gone
Come And Let Me Look In Your Eyes
- J.Denver
I guess growin' isn't hard to do, just stand against the wall
Once I was just two feet high Today I'm six feet tall
But knowin' who to listen to, is somethin' else again
Words just whistle around my head like seasons in the wind
All across the water the clouds are sailin'
they won't let me look at the sky
All I want to do is try to find myself
Come and let me look in your eyes
In searchin' for the way to go I've followed all the rules
The way they say to choose between the wise men and the fools
I listened to the words they say I read what I should read
I do whatever's right to do Try to be what I should be
Someone let me in I think the sky is falling
Seems I've gotten lost on my way
All I want to do is try to find myself
Come and let me look in your eyes
But wisdom isn't underground, nor on a mountainside
Where am I to take myself, there's no place here to hide
Where can I hide
All across the universe the stars are
fadin' seems I've gotten lost on my way
All I want to do is try to find myself
Come and let me look in your eyes
Although this one singer is now silent.. there still is the truth of his songs. I, for one, Greatly miss his presence and messages.
On the Wings of a Dream
- J.Denver
Yesterday I had a dream about dying
About laying to rest and then flying
How the moment at hand is the only thing
We really own
And I lay in my bed and I wonder
After all has been said and is done for
Why is it thus we are here
And so soon we are gone
Is this life just a path to the place
That we all have come from
Does the heart know the way
And if not, can it ever be found
In a smile or a tear or a prayer
Or a sigh or a song
And if so, then I sing for my father
And in truth you must know I would rather
He were here by my side
We could fly on the wings of a dream
To a place where the spirit would find us
And the joy and surrender would bind us
We are one anyway
Anyway we are more than we seem
There are those who will lead us
Protect us each step of the way
From beginning to end
For each moment forever each day
Such a gift has been given
It can never be taken away
Though the body in passing must leave us
There is one who remains to receive us
There are those in this life
Who are friends from our heavenly home
So I listen to the voices inside me
For I know they are there just to guide me
And my faith will proclaim it is so
We are never alone
From the life to the light
From the dark of the night to the dawn
He is so in my heart
He is here he could never be gone
Though the singer is silent
There still is the truth of the song
In the song
Yesterday I had a dream about dying
About laying to rest and then flying
How the moment at hand is the only thing
We really own
And I lay in my bed and I wonder
After all has been said and is done for
Why is it thus we are here
...And so soon we are gone
Come And Let Me Look In Your Eyes
- J.Denver
I guess growin' isn't hard to do, just stand against the wall
Once I was just two feet high Today I'm six feet tall
But knowin' who to listen to, is somethin' else again
Words just whistle around my head like seasons in the wind
All across the water the clouds are sailin'
they won't let me look at the sky
All I want to do is try to find myself
Come and let me look in your eyes
In searchin' for the way to go I've followed all the rules
The way they say to choose between the wise men and the fools
I listened to the words they say I read what I should read
I do whatever's right to do Try to be what I should be
Someone let me in I think the sky is falling
Seems I've gotten lost on my way
All I want to do is try to find myself
Come and let me look in your eyes
But wisdom isn't underground, nor on a mountainside
Where am I to take myself, there's no place here to hide
Where can I hide
All across the universe the stars are
fadin' seems I've gotten lost on my way
All I want to do is try to find myself
Come and let me look in your eyes
Friday, September 14, 2007
Singing Songs
Here is one of my favories... probibly my only real favorite song of the band that created it. wish they had come up with a few more of these lovely pieces.
More Then Words by Extreme
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
More Then Words by Extreme
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes
And just reach out your hands and touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
Cos I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
More than words
Saturday, August 18, 2007
songs and other such memorabillia
Lets see how many recall this rather old emo song..
SKIP A ROPE by Henson Cargill
Skip a rope skip a rope listen to the children while they play
Ain't it kinda funny what kids all say skip a rope
Daddy hates mama mama hates dad
Last night you should've heard the fight they had
Gave little sister another bad dream she woke up with a terrible scream
Skip a rope skip a rope...
Cheat on your taxes don't be a fool what was that they said about the golden rule
Never mind the rules just play to win and hate your neighbor for the shade of his skin
Skip a rope skip a rope...
Stab 'em in the back that's the name of the game
And mama and daddy are the ones to blame
Skip a rope skip a rope listen to the children while they play
It's not really funny what children say skip a rope
Skip a rope skip a rope
Nelly Kelly loved baseball games,
Knew the players, knew all their names,
You could see her there ev'ry day,
Shout "Hurray" when they'd play.
Her boy friend by the name of Joe
Said, "To Coney Isle, dear, let's go,"
Then Nelly started to fret and pout,
And to him I heard her shout.
"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."
Nelly Kelly was sure some fan,
She would root just like any man,
Told the umpire he was wrong,
All along, good and strong.
When the score was just two to two,
Nelly Kelly knew what to do,
Just to cheer up the boys she knew,
She made the game sing this song.
"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."
SKIP A ROPE by Henson Cargill
Skip a rope skip a rope listen to the children while they play
Ain't it kinda funny what kids all say skip a rope
Daddy hates mama mama hates dad
Last night you should've heard the fight they had
Gave little sister another bad dream she woke up with a terrible scream
Skip a rope skip a rope...
Cheat on your taxes don't be a fool what was that they said about the golden rule
Never mind the rules just play to win and hate your neighbor for the shade of his skin
Skip a rope skip a rope...
Stab 'em in the back that's the name of the game
And mama and daddy are the ones to blame
Skip a rope skip a rope listen to the children while they play
It's not really funny what children say skip a rope
Skip a rope skip a rope
Nelly Kelly loved baseball games,
Knew the players, knew all their names,
You could see her there ev'ry day,
Shout "Hurray" when they'd play.
Her boy friend by the name of Joe
Said, "To Coney Isle, dear, let's go,"
Then Nelly started to fret and pout,
And to him I heard her shout.
"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."
Nelly Kelly was sure some fan,
She would root just like any man,
Told the umpire he was wrong,
All along, good and strong.
When the score was just two to two,
Nelly Kelly knew what to do,
Just to cheer up the boys she knew,
She made the game sing this song.
"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Horn Tooting
This is a pic I created for a linguistic group using psp. It took me several weeks for this one. It was worth it for the stunned smiles I got to see as a result. normally though, I prefer cartoons...
picture removed.
...kind of like this one. Which was a cartoon of a rp character in the world of asherons call. it is a play on the fact that they had whole swarms of nasty otholi bugs and huge lugian giants that most people leveled up thier characters on... and the poor occational roadside bunny which was rarely ever worth the efort. This character's name was Kitaya btw. she was a mace-user, hence the baseball bat.
picture removed
and my very first attempt at animation made for my very first set of webpages.
picture removed
(sooner or later, I'll start another webpage, and post a part of my portfolio on it. Untill then, I'll leave you to wonder.. were these pictures actually posted here in the first place? :)
picture removed.
...kind of like this one. Which was a cartoon of a rp character in the world of asherons call. it is a play on the fact that they had whole swarms of nasty otholi bugs and huge lugian giants that most people leveled up thier characters on... and the poor occational roadside bunny which was rarely ever worth the efort. This character's name was Kitaya btw. she was a mace-user, hence the baseball bat.
picture removed
and my very first attempt at animation made for my very first set of webpages.
picture removed
(sooner or later, I'll start another webpage, and post a part of my portfolio on it. Untill then, I'll leave you to wonder.. were these pictures actually posted here in the first place? :)
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
A Few Good Animes
Here's a couple more good ones.
Elemental Gelade. Story of a younge sky pirate who descovers a magical girl, and offers to escort and guard her to her intended destination.
Fushigi Yuugi. A school girl falls through a book and lands in ancient china. She then takes on the title of priestess in order to save the country she is in.
Fruits Basket. A Tale of a girl who moves in with three guys (brothers in the Sohma family) on whose property she was camping on, as a housekeeper in exchange for room and board. She then inadvertantly learns of the Sohma family secret. This begins an adventure for her in learning more about the family members and the zodiac curse particulars.

Coud of Elemental Gelade

Tamahome in Fushigi Yuugi

Kyo Sohma of Fruits Basket
Elemental Gelade. Story of a younge sky pirate who descovers a magical girl, and offers to escort and guard her to her intended destination.
Fushigi Yuugi. A school girl falls through a book and lands in ancient china. She then takes on the title of priestess in order to save the country she is in.
Fruits Basket. A Tale of a girl who moves in with three guys (brothers in the Sohma family) on whose property she was camping on, as a housekeeper in exchange for room and board. She then inadvertantly learns of the Sohma family secret. This begins an adventure for her in learning more about the family members and the zodiac curse particulars.
Coud of Elemental Gelade
Tamahome in Fushigi Yuugi
Kyo Sohma of Fruits Basket
Elemental Gelade,
Fruits Basket,
Fushigi Yuugi
Thursday, July 26, 2007
another bunch
Here's some more I have enjoyed.
Yakitate!! Japan. A tale of an artisan whose greatest dream is to create a unique bread.
Kamisama Kazoku. A story of an angel guardian who falls in love with the son of a god she is intended to protect. (it gets a bit deep towards the end when they encounter a soul-stealing devil... but it works out well in the end.)
Zero no Tsukaima. A struggling wizardess accidently summons a commoner from modern day Tokyo to be her familiar. (the familiar seems loyal to the wizardess rather in spite of the beatings she often gives him... but I think it's a fairly sound plot.)

Kazuma Azuma in Yakitate!! Japan

Louise the Zero and Saito Hiraga in Zero no Tsukaima

Tenko the angel, and Samatarou in Kamisama Kazoku
Yakitate!! Japan. A tale of an artisan whose greatest dream is to create a unique bread.
Kamisama Kazoku. A story of an angel guardian who falls in love with the son of a god she is intended to protect. (it gets a bit deep towards the end when they encounter a soul-stealing devil... but it works out well in the end.)
Zero no Tsukaima. A struggling wizardess accidently summons a commoner from modern day Tokyo to be her familiar. (the familiar seems loyal to the wizardess rather in spite of the beatings she often gives him... but I think it's a fairly sound plot.)
Kazuma Azuma in Yakitate!! Japan
Louise the Zero and Saito Hiraga in Zero no Tsukaima
Tenko the angel, and Samatarou in Kamisama Kazoku
Kamisama Kazoku,
Yakitate Japan,
Zero no Tsukaima
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Anime kick
I am going through whatever anime I can find online...if it sounds of any interest whatsoever, to me, anyway. :)
D.N. Angel. Its about a boy who is raised as a thief by his mother and grandfather..but in all other respects he had a typical kid's life...until his 14th birthday... when Dark, the master shadow thief, came into his life.
Full Metal Panic. A teen raised as a merc, is assigned to protect a girl in a Tokyo school.
La Corda D'oro. A girl entering first year general in a music academy, meets a fairy who gives her a magical violin.
Karin. This is a story of a reverse vampire with a blood preference for misfortune. who, meets with a transfer student in school (whos unhappiness causes her quite a bit of grief). Add to this, one interfering grandmother, a vampire hunter schoolmate (who is in love), and a need for secrecy, and you got a highly amusing madcap tale.
Dark of D.N. Angel
Kurz Weber in Full Metal Panic

Kazuki Hihara, the trumpet player, in La Corda D'oro
Winner Sinclair in Karin
D.N. Angel. Its about a boy who is raised as a thief by his mother and grandfather..but in all other respects he had a typical kid's life...until his 14th birthday... when Dark, the master shadow thief, came into his life.
Full Metal Panic. A teen raised as a merc, is assigned to protect a girl in a Tokyo school.
La Corda D'oro. A girl entering first year general in a music academy, meets a fairy who gives her a magical violin.
Karin. This is a story of a reverse vampire with a blood preference for misfortune. who, meets with a transfer student in school (whos unhappiness causes her quite a bit of grief). Add to this, one interfering grandmother, a vampire hunter schoolmate (who is in love), and a need for secrecy, and you got a highly amusing madcap tale.
Kazuki Hihara, the trumpet player, in La Corda D'oro
D.N. Angel,
Full Metal Panic,
La Corda D'oro,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
idle moments
Hi. I have been spending a fair bit of time ruffling through an amazing amount of anime and manga of late. My favorites thus far are Naruto, Inuyasha, Tsubasa, Absolute Boyfriend and Lovely Complex. You'l likely to be hearing a bit more about these subjects before the month is out here.
For favorite characters...
It's hard to say for Naruto.. I like several of the characters in this manga. I suppose I could say though, that my favorites might be Shikamaru (for his genius.. and love for slacking off.), Jiraiya (for his funny well as his rare serious moments) and Kiba. (because he is honorable and loyal to the people that matter to him.)
Absolute Boyfriend... I actually like the rivalry going on between the two main male characters in this story.
Inuyasha... I would probibly choose the wolf demon, Kouga. (He seems to be happilly drawn into verbal battles with inuyasha over poor kagome and yet it's easy to see he actually counts both of them as valued friends.)
Lovely Complex... I like Otani.. even if he -is- as dence as a brick wall. :)
In Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Even though I know he has serious issues which he tries so very hard to keep hidden, I really like sweet Fai. (mostly for his little smiles, sad eyes, and fun moments in the face of such seriousness)
Kiba of Naruto.
Fai of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.

Kouga of InuYasha.

Atsushi Otani and Risa Koizumi of Lovely Complex.
Night Tenjo of Absolute Boyfriend.
For favorite characters...
It's hard to say for Naruto.. I like several of the characters in this manga. I suppose I could say though, that my favorites might be Shikamaru (for his genius.. and love for slacking off.), Jiraiya (for his funny well as his rare serious moments) and Kiba. (because he is honorable and loyal to the people that matter to him.)
Absolute Boyfriend... I actually like the rivalry going on between the two main male characters in this story.
Inuyasha... I would probibly choose the wolf demon, Kouga. (He seems to be happilly drawn into verbal battles with inuyasha over poor kagome and yet it's easy to see he actually counts both of them as valued friends.)
Lovely Complex... I like Otani.. even if he -is- as dence as a brick wall. :)
In Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Even though I know he has serious issues which he tries so very hard to keep hidden, I really like sweet Fai. (mostly for his little smiles, sad eyes, and fun moments in the face of such seriousness)
Kouga of InuYasha.
Atsushi Otani and Risa Koizumi of Lovely Complex.
Night Tenjo of Absolute Boyfriend.
Absolute Boyfriend,
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Saturday, June 30, 2007
nothing much
Been a rather long and totally boring several weeks with me. I have not a whole lot to talk about really. I did some personal redecorating and found myself standing in Konoha. (ehh don't ask)
All in all, its been a fairly nice place.. has a few nice people in it. just when I was really getting to know several of them, they left on mission or some other 'vacation-type' excuse. trying to not feel lonely though.
The 4th is nearly here once more. (super blehhks:( I'm not much of a fan for the holiday. no, it has nothing to do with my sence of patriotism or any such... just that I associate it with a past..very low time in my life. Makes it rather hard to see the fireworks sometimes... but I think perhaps I am better about it when I am around I'm not as likely to get depressed and start bawling my eyes out or something.
Anyway, thats about it... Hope you all have a good 4th.
All in all, its been a fairly nice place.. has a few nice people in it. just when I was really getting to know several of them, they left on mission or some other 'vacation-type' excuse. trying to not feel lonely though.
The 4th is nearly here once more. (super blehhks:( I'm not much of a fan for the holiday. no, it has nothing to do with my sence of patriotism or any such... just that I associate it with a past..very low time in my life. Makes it rather hard to see the fireworks sometimes... but I think perhaps I am better about it when I am around I'm not as likely to get depressed and start bawling my eyes out or something.
Anyway, thats about it... Hope you all have a good 4th.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
General Rant
I hate finding myself in the disagreeable position of being able to see both sides of a view point.. when I am on one side of it.
A city warning was posted at the door because someone has been complaining the grass in the backyard is a few inches too long.
on the one hand, I understand how people don't want a junkyard located in the middle of their neigborhood but.. doesnt this seem just a little bit overzelous? I mean, what did they do? get out a ruler and sneak over the back fence in the middle of the night to measure the grass blades?
There was one for a downed tree branch as well. not a big one, mind you.
and one for having a vehicle parked alongside the side fence.
I'm still waiting to get one for jaywalking across my front lawn... or.. getting one for actually having a tree.. obstructing binocular views of my porch.
Must be some seriously bored unhappy people around the neigborhood I live in. They are so bored of their own business they have to stick their noses over the fence to complain about mine. and here I always thought living in the countryside ment space.. a private life....
I guess I have to move further out.
Its too bad really. It's a really sweet place and in a nice spot too.
A city warning was posted at the door because someone has been complaining the grass in the backyard is a few inches too long.
on the one hand, I understand how people don't want a junkyard located in the middle of their neigborhood but.. doesnt this seem just a little bit overzelous? I mean, what did they do? get out a ruler and sneak over the back fence in the middle of the night to measure the grass blades?
There was one for a downed tree branch as well. not a big one, mind you.
and one for having a vehicle parked alongside the side fence.
I'm still waiting to get one for jaywalking across my front lawn... or.. getting one for actually having a tree.. obstructing binocular views of my porch.
Must be some seriously bored unhappy people around the neigborhood I live in. They are so bored of their own business they have to stick their noses over the fence to complain about mine. and here I always thought living in the countryside ment space.. a private life....
I guess I have to move further out.
Its too bad really. It's a really sweet place and in a nice spot too.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
the blehs
here I am.. bored practicly to tears... nothing seems to catch my interrest of late. not even that of a really good book. I'm in something of a quandry as to which way to turn next. which direction I should go... and getting nowhere with all the indesision. Sure hope I can pull myself back out of the middle of the doldrum swamp soon. this situation gets really old with me fast.
Monday, April 23, 2007
stunned sorrow
Wow... I am once again stunned by the cold ferocity potential in people. Even though I have have been through soo mamy lows and highs of life's hardships, I always seem to feel so very sheltered and somehow oblivious upon hearing of such horrible violent news... that could, and has, happened in normaly mundane and peaceful enviroments.
My heart goes out to those who have suffered at the hands of such senceless anger as seen in the news of late, as well as to thier families whose grief cannot be measured in mere words.
I recall a time... when I found myself unwittingly under the iron fist of abuse. It took me many years to get over the hurt, anger and pain of it all.. untill I gradually realized... they might be now beyond the laws of man, but they hurry so, to face the ultimate judge's ruling, for which they shall be made acountable... no escape, no fast-talkin deals.
I'm actually glad of this, because I am certain I would make a terrible judge, already biased, as I am, against them. I'm afraid I'd be tempted to do something to them quite a bit lower, or at least as vile as they did to thier victims. Not something I'm pleased to admit, but at least its truthful eh?
Soo..for some reason, finally groking this, has caused me to release the grudge I harbored inside. I no longer feel the pained-anger quite so much. Rather, I simply feel profound saddness that such things happen. Sad that, in defence for my own future, I have had to stuff a year or so of my growing years into a mentally bound-up 'box' and stash it in the blocked-off 'painfull-moments' section of my mind, so I can get on with living.
Yeah, I forgive them for being such infernal idiots.. and will leave it up to the bigguy to deside what, if anything, should be done with them in life's aftermath.
Besides, holding all the bitterness inside was just eating me up, not any help whatsoever, so it was with some relief that I finally got shed of it.
My heart goes out to those who have suffered at the hands of such senceless anger as seen in the news of late, as well as to thier families whose grief cannot be measured in mere words.
I recall a time... when I found myself unwittingly under the iron fist of abuse. It took me many years to get over the hurt, anger and pain of it all.. untill I gradually realized... they might be now beyond the laws of man, but they hurry so, to face the ultimate judge's ruling, for which they shall be made acountable... no escape, no fast-talkin deals.
I'm actually glad of this, because I am certain I would make a terrible judge, already biased, as I am, against them. I'm afraid I'd be tempted to do something to them quite a bit lower, or at least as vile as they did to thier victims. Not something I'm pleased to admit, but at least its truthful eh?
Soo..for some reason, finally groking this, has caused me to release the grudge I harbored inside. I no longer feel the pained-anger quite so much. Rather, I simply feel profound saddness that such things happen. Sad that, in defence for my own future, I have had to stuff a year or so of my growing years into a mentally bound-up 'box' and stash it in the blocked-off 'painfull-moments' section of my mind, so I can get on with living.
Yeah, I forgive them for being such infernal idiots.. and will leave it up to the bigguy to deside what, if anything, should be done with them in life's aftermath.
Besides, holding all the bitterness inside was just eating me up, not any help whatsoever, so it was with some relief that I finally got shed of it.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Oops_there she goes again
Once more, the random ill-timed portal has swept me away from my home in Dereth and I have found myself standing outside the gates, sadly looking in. Who only knows how long it will be before I can once more respond to Asherons Call. Bleh.. I'm feeling lonely already!
I may be something of a fool at times, but this isn't much of an April joke. heh.. Guess Its time to slide back into the saddle on another "gamin" pursuit. I'll get back to you on this, I'm sure.
Sorry for the long time between posts, btw.
I may be something of a fool at times, but this isn't much of an April joke. heh.. Guess Its time to slide back into the saddle on another "gamin" pursuit. I'll get back to you on this, I'm sure.
Sorry for the long time between posts, btw.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Another portal
Welcome to the first of another month.
This evening, Indy and I were enjoying a moments respite at the villa, trying to gather the rest of the household in one place and settle old squabbles. When urgent news came to us that the Prince of Dereth was going to try to open a portal to Bur... a strange land that dear asheron had been taken when he was abducted by the new undead. (I was wondering just where those nasty critters were coming from!) Indy desided to go help out and ran off to the summoning site outside holt.
She was on her way up the hill when a whole group of very nasty creatures hissed into being around and behind her. thankfully, the warrioress knew to beat feet, and she zowwed through the essembly, trailing unliving horror in her wake.
After a quick turn-about, she joined in the fight, helping to mow over several bunches of the undead spell-casters.. then just as she thought she might just make it through to the portal's opening, her world halted and the next thing she knew, she was standing at the lifestone.
Under previous agreement, I shed bunches of things weighing me down for a dash to the site to see what help I could give. I got there just as the portal went up and watched as several of Dereth's finest and fittest warriors carefully stepped through, leaving me enveloped in the silence of aftermath.
I found Indy's body, lying near the portal steps along with several others who had died protecting the prince.
There are those, who growl and complain about such massive events like this one, even while it is yet going on. It was a needed thing though. We had the one chance..
Was it better to have remained ignorant of this opportunity of rescue? the nay-sayers seem to think so.
Asheron is needed... safe, and away from the decaying claws and screeing enemies of all of Dereth.
To the warriors who answer the call, as well as those who scorn the action.. this means life and freedom for all of us. I'm not really sure why you doomsayers cry so loudly at times.
Strange how it all seems something of a reflection of another battle... ongoing even now. Sure makes one wonder, doesn't it?
This evening, Indy and I were enjoying a moments respite at the villa, trying to gather the rest of the household in one place and settle old squabbles. When urgent news came to us that the Prince of Dereth was going to try to open a portal to Bur... a strange land that dear asheron had been taken when he was abducted by the new undead. (I was wondering just where those nasty critters were coming from!) Indy desided to go help out and ran off to the summoning site outside holt.
She was on her way up the hill when a whole group of very nasty creatures hissed into being around and behind her. thankfully, the warrioress knew to beat feet, and she zowwed through the essembly, trailing unliving horror in her wake.
After a quick turn-about, she joined in the fight, helping to mow over several bunches of the undead spell-casters.. then just as she thought she might just make it through to the portal's opening, her world halted and the next thing she knew, she was standing at the lifestone.
Under previous agreement, I shed bunches of things weighing me down for a dash to the site to see what help I could give. I got there just as the portal went up and watched as several of Dereth's finest and fittest warriors carefully stepped through, leaving me enveloped in the silence of aftermath.
I found Indy's body, lying near the portal steps along with several others who had died protecting the prince.
There are those, who growl and complain about such massive events like this one, even while it is yet going on. It was a needed thing though. We had the one chance..
Was it better to have remained ignorant of this opportunity of rescue? the nay-sayers seem to think so.
Asheron is needed... safe, and away from the decaying claws and screeing enemies of all of Dereth.
To the warriors who answer the call, as well as those who scorn the action.. this means life and freedom for all of us. I'm not really sure why you doomsayers cry so loudly at times.
Strange how it all seems something of a reflection of another battle... ongoing even now. Sure makes one wonder, doesn't it?
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Welcome to the New Year
I have managed to spend a bit of time out at frost haven on VT. Fortunatly, most of the folks I have met, are friendly and willing to share excess coals in the aftermath of Scold's destruction. The other evening, Indy and I got to meet up with some UK friends
There was a quest invite too! I bowed out as it sounded far too dangeous for me, but Indy gladly accepted a 'wolf' guide for the flagging. She then got this marvelous tour of the Viam islands and loved the company so much (they have much in common) she laughed off the death (due to buffs falling in the middle of a Ruk settlement)and was thankful never-the-less, that her guide thought to take her back for her things. The rest and hardest part of the quest takes place later today. I do hope its as much fun for her as the tour was. :)
I also got a letter from a friend in the realm of NWN. Drum, who is a goblin, has been enjoying life on an Italian server of late. Which is funny to me, as he seems more adept at gobbledee-speak then he is at any other known language.
He tells me that he ran into a few difficulties this last evening. He had joined a group with a friend of his, who was watching, with some small trepidation, as the rest of the party went about the task of beating on some very nasty mobs. Just one of which could likely kill either one of the two of them if not both together. At one point, the group leader had died and asked for resurection. Drum's friend didn't have a res rod, so asked Drum to help. Goblin's are, by thier very nature, something of a cowardly lot... but Drum carefully made his way to the fallen leader, brought him back... then quickly ran for the nook they had been standing in, once more.
Since Drum was now out of rods as well, he elected to return to town and get another.. asking his friend to let him know when the leader was close enough for him to safely return. She asked if he would fetch a rod for her as well... so he did and gave it to her on his return.
After a moment, the leader had returned to the now regathered group... and attacked Drum's friend... who killed him in total surprise! After he was again brought back, he booted the friend from the party. Drum was rather upset and confused as to why the group leader would do this. He writes that he got two messages from the ensuing conversation.
The leader thought Drum's friend was dragging exp from the group for standing there and not helping. And that it didn't help that she didn't speak Italian.. on an Italian server. (Drum tells me, this was not so, exp-wise, as the lowest member of the party actually boosts exp for all members of the group.)
Sometime after this, he writes, another member of the now desolved group, joined with the two of them to go after the big bears. But they popped into the middle of those horrible mobs from before and were killed while the 'joiner' left them to thier fate completely. Drum has since been added to a dislike list himself for being a party to all of this.
I realize it all likely arose from a misunderstanding. The group was not privy to the convo about the res rods between Drum and his friend. Both wanted to be of help, however they could... but it aparently wasn't good enough.
On the upside, if one can be said to be had, He thinks there are still a few friendlys on the server.
Perhaps he might yet come out of this with only a few scars to show.. or perhaps he has been soured to the server as a whole now and will no longer adventure there... I'm not sure.
It's a shame when people are like this.. simply because of a language difference. Personally, I greatly enjoy getting to meet and making friends with people from many different walks of life... From many different places around the world. There is so much of interrest to learn from one-another.
Ciao :)
There was a quest invite too! I bowed out as it sounded far too dangeous for me, but Indy gladly accepted a 'wolf' guide for the flagging. She then got this marvelous tour of the Viam islands and loved the company so much (they have much in common) she laughed off the death (due to buffs falling in the middle of a Ruk settlement)and was thankful never-the-less, that her guide thought to take her back for her things. The rest and hardest part of the quest takes place later today. I do hope its as much fun for her as the tour was. :)
I also got a letter from a friend in the realm of NWN. Drum, who is a goblin, has been enjoying life on an Italian server of late. Which is funny to me, as he seems more adept at gobbledee-speak then he is at any other known language.
He tells me that he ran into a few difficulties this last evening. He had joined a group with a friend of his, who was watching, with some small trepidation, as the rest of the party went about the task of beating on some very nasty mobs. Just one of which could likely kill either one of the two of them if not both together. At one point, the group leader had died and asked for resurection. Drum's friend didn't have a res rod, so asked Drum to help. Goblin's are, by thier very nature, something of a cowardly lot... but Drum carefully made his way to the fallen leader, brought him back... then quickly ran for the nook they had been standing in, once more.
Since Drum was now out of rods as well, he elected to return to town and get another.. asking his friend to let him know when the leader was close enough for him to safely return. She asked if he would fetch a rod for her as well... so he did and gave it to her on his return.
After a moment, the leader had returned to the now regathered group... and attacked Drum's friend... who killed him in total surprise! After he was again brought back, he booted the friend from the party. Drum was rather upset and confused as to why the group leader would do this. He writes that he got two messages from the ensuing conversation.
The leader thought Drum's friend was dragging exp from the group for standing there and not helping. And that it didn't help that she didn't speak Italian.. on an Italian server. (Drum tells me, this was not so, exp-wise, as the lowest member of the party actually boosts exp for all members of the group.)
Sometime after this, he writes, another member of the now desolved group, joined with the two of them to go after the big bears. But they popped into the middle of those horrible mobs from before and were killed while the 'joiner' left them to thier fate completely. Drum has since been added to a dislike list himself for being a party to all of this.
I realize it all likely arose from a misunderstanding. The group was not privy to the convo about the res rods between Drum and his friend. Both wanted to be of help, however they could... but it aparently wasn't good enough.
On the upside, if one can be said to be had, He thinks there are still a few friendlys on the server.
Perhaps he might yet come out of this with only a few scars to show.. or perhaps he has been soured to the server as a whole now and will no longer adventure there... I'm not sure.
It's a shame when people are like this.. simply because of a language difference. Personally, I greatly enjoy getting to meet and making friends with people from many different walks of life... From many different places around the world. There is so much of interrest to learn from one-another.
Ciao :)
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