Tales of a mostly Solo PVE Roleplay Character within the multi-verse of gaming... with -lots- of break-outs into other interests and the occasional obsession.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
it's the holiday season..
so yeah.. happy whichever holiday you might be celebrating this season. For me, it happens to be mainly Christmas. I don't think I care too much for Christmas anymore.. not because of what it stands for, or for the thought that its a great time of the year to celebrate... but because of its hassle for me... seems like bad news just waits for this time o year to roll through before dropping a massive ball of horror around my ears. There is never enough of anything to go around, and no time in which to deal with it all.
Well, as usual, I'll try to make the best of what I do have, and hope to survive for another year's entry in hopes of 'maybe' breaking even... and standing in the same place come the new year. really, I think it's about all I -really- want for a gift... just to still be standing in the same place. At least there will be a pseudo-tree this year. just no spirit of the season for it... again. I'm not bored, honest.. but don't understand why my life has to be so chock-full of uproar ala time.
Stability is one of those yearned for things in my life I seem destined to consistently be without.
Listening to: KAT-TUN: Real Face
Current Show: dramas... when possible.
Feeling: Holiday blues... I suppose
Internet Tabs: mysoju, AZNV.TV
Obsessing Over: Escaping reality
Current Rant: none.
Well, as usual, I'll try to make the best of what I do have, and hope to survive for another year's entry in hopes of 'maybe' breaking even... and standing in the same place come the new year. really, I think it's about all I -really- want for a gift... just to still be standing in the same place. At least there will be a pseudo-tree this year. just no spirit of the season for it... again. I'm not bored, honest.. but don't understand why my life has to be so chock-full of uproar ala time.
Stability is one of those yearned for things in my life I seem destined to consistently be without.
Listening to: KAT-TUN: Real Face
Current Show: dramas... when possible.
Feeling: Holiday blues... I suppose
Internet Tabs: mysoju, AZNV.TV
Obsessing Over: Escaping reality
Current Rant: none.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
Music covers plus
Real Face
Don't you ever stop
Another sweet-sounding combo... in Chinese. I'm Yours (cover) by Jason Mraz
Don't you ever stop
Another sweet-sounding combo... in Chinese. I'm Yours (cover) by Jason Mraz
Monday, September 27, 2010
Random Gaga
Personally, I love the musical tunfulness of the lady's music.. somehow she can make even the blehist of words seem like a hoppin dance step. I don't care for many of her vids... so I resort to listening to parodies and covers of her music... and I have found several of real talents. Check it out.
Bad Romance parody - A men's chorus?
Muffintop - missesmuffintop
Lady Gaga Melody - Sam Tsui and Kurt Schneider
Greyson Chance singing Paparazzi
Listening to: A ringing sound from a deaf ear.
Current Show: Warehouse 13, and Haven
Feeling: A little concern for the possible loss of a good friend..
...hoping its just paranoia ... concern also for my sis.. I havent heard from her since some months before my birthday.. it doesnt seem much like her.
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook(somewhat), Vindictus, )and InfiniteAion
Obsessing Over: (see feeling, above)
Current Rant: Why do some girls seek to make their boyfriends toss all of their friends to the gutter in order to be with them? If the guy's friends are willing to accept you, why can't you accept them? doesn't mean you have to like all of them, just as they aren't all required to like you either. but they -are- his friends. After all, isn't it often the case, where they were friends months if not years before you were even in the possibility of the picture?
and please don't think you are going to change that guy of yours.. it never seems turn out well at all. He is who he is and if you don't like how he is, best not even get started in a relationship with him. if the guy changes, it's because its something he wants to do... not just because its what you want him to do. Really, aren't we all basically the same way about that? In the immortal words of Popeye, "I yam what I yam, and that's all that I yam! We are just who we are. you either accept that soon, or you move on... for better or worse.
Bad Romance parody - A men's chorus?
Muffintop - missesmuffintop
Lady Gaga Melody - Sam Tsui and Kurt Schneider
Greyson Chance singing Paparazzi
Listening to: A ringing sound from a deaf ear.
Current Show: Warehouse 13, and Haven
Feeling: A little concern for the possible loss of a good friend..
...hoping its just paranoia ... concern also for my sis.. I havent heard from her since some months before my birthday.. it doesnt seem much like her.
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook(somewhat), Vindictus, )and InfiniteAion
Obsessing Over: (see feeling, above)
Current Rant: Why do some girls seek to make their boyfriends toss all of their friends to the gutter in order to be with them? If the guy's friends are willing to accept you, why can't you accept them? doesn't mean you have to like all of them, just as they aren't all required to like you either. but they -are- his friends. After all, isn't it often the case, where they were friends months if not years before you were even in the possibility of the picture?
and please don't think you are going to change that guy of yours.. it never seems turn out well at all. He is who he is and if you don't like how he is, best not even get started in a relationship with him. if the guy changes, it's because its something he wants to do... not just because its what you want him to do. Really, aren't we all basically the same way about that? In the immortal words of Popeye, "I yam what I yam, and that's all that I yam! We are just who we are. you either accept that soon, or you move on... for better or worse.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
gamely (gamey?) musings... euw!
Sitting here thinking about the things I like, and those I do not about the world this new portal led to... which is called Aion.
One of the best things about it is.. the graphics are completely stunning in its complexity!
Even the classic good vs evil theme isn't too badly represented.
The crafting is fairly unique.. if a tiny bit difficult to get started with.
And this is a game that is actively being improved upon all the time, as I understand it. Soon there will be pets, mounts?, swimming, player housing, expanded areas etc..
On the Ehh side of things.. All Roads lead to the abyss, which is esentially pvp-land. Call me a carebear, if you like, even though I never much cared for the toon. I'm not big into pvp.. I have seen, far too often what it can do to friendships. It isn't pretty. Please oh please give us more quests that don't lead to the open battlefield!
Another ehh thing, I have found is.. on the crafting side of things, there is gathering on both land and air.. which isn't an issue.. but.. some of it is on the mobs, now while this might be fine if you are in level range of said mobs... but you know what happens when you grow beyond the mob's level? they stop dropping. So if you are needing a crafting item that just happens to be on, say a crab, but you have grown beyond its level.. you will never again see the item you need to have for the crafting.
update... I ended up leaving this world.. as the rifting got to be a great opportunity for overpowered pvp'rs to enter the area and kill who-so-ever should stray outside one of the towns.. any-one of the towns, and there was no place left for a non-pker, such as me, to level in somewhat safety.
the graphics were sure inspiring though!!!

One of the best things about it is.. the graphics are completely stunning in its complexity!
Even the classic good vs evil theme isn't too badly represented.
The crafting is fairly unique.. if a tiny bit difficult to get started with.
And this is a game that is actively being improved upon all the time, as I understand it. Soon there will be pets, mounts?, swimming, player housing, expanded areas etc..
On the Ehh side of things.. All Roads lead to the abyss, which is esentially pvp-land. Call me a carebear, if you like, even though I never much cared for the toon. I'm not big into pvp.. I have seen, far too often what it can do to friendships. It isn't pretty. Please oh please give us more quests that don't lead to the open battlefield!
Another ehh thing, I have found is.. on the crafting side of things, there is gathering on both land and air.. which isn't an issue.. but.. some of it is on the mobs, now while this might be fine if you are in level range of said mobs... but you know what happens when you grow beyond the mob's level? they stop dropping. So if you are needing a crafting item that just happens to be on, say a crab, but you have grown beyond its level.. you will never again see the item you need to have for the crafting.
update... I ended up leaving this world.. as the rifting got to be a great opportunity for overpowered pvp'rs to enter the area and kill who-so-ever should stray outside one of the towns.. any-one of the towns, and there was no place left for a non-pker, such as me, to level in somewhat safety.
the graphics were sure inspiring though!!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
An old yet new world
A familiar portal opened up a couple of days ago. I, being fairly wizened by now, to the possibilities.. left a marker so I could find my way back, and hopped through the portal. Happy surprises met me at first sight of the jungle trees and craggy hills.. with the sweet sound of surf and the whoosh of wind preceding a coming storm. I was in Timorous Deep! This was one of the first portals I ever got swept through!
This is the homeland of Rata! *I quickly looked around for him, but as usual, the sneaky critter was nowhere to be innocently found. Quite likely, he was holed up in his tree city of fairies. I quickly made a mental note to pay that area a visit soon.
The portal that brought me here was small really. much smaller then I remember. there were soo many limits! limits on race, on class, on bag space even! I couldn't chat out, couldn't send a mail, nor even buy something off the broker... and from the whispers around me, I suspect I might just have a problem concerning limits in magic power level as well. Not to mention, and yet I am, Crafting ~still~ sucks in this place)
One of the big upsides though, for me anyway.. is the straight-on ability to see this place once again! I can still travel around.. to see all of the other places as well.
(Means I can still twirl and sing down the streets of Quenos.. and slink and pray I don't get caught in the perpetual crampt and winding alleys of Freeport.)
Apparently this portal hasn't been in function for very long... maybe as early as last month. So hopefully the powers are still tweaking the do's and don't's... and not just hangin out in the item market. Go check it out!
Everquest 2 extended

This is the homeland of Rata! *I quickly looked around for him, but as usual, the sneaky critter was nowhere to be innocently found. Quite likely, he was holed up in his tree city of fairies. I quickly made a mental note to pay that area a visit soon.
The portal that brought me here was small really. much smaller then I remember. there were soo many limits! limits on race, on class, on bag space even! I couldn't chat out, couldn't send a mail, nor even buy something off the broker... and from the whispers around me, I suspect I might just have a problem concerning limits in magic power level as well. Not to mention, and yet I am, Crafting ~still~ sucks in this place)
One of the big upsides though, for me anyway.. is the straight-on ability to see this place once again! I can still travel around.. to see all of the other places as well.
(Means I can still twirl and sing down the streets of Quenos.. and slink and pray I don't get caught in the perpetual crampt and winding alleys of Freeport.)
Apparently this portal hasn't been in function for very long... maybe as early as last month. So hopefully the powers are still tweaking the do's and don't's... and not just hangin out in the item market. Go check it out!
Everquest 2 extended
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
food for thought.. or maybe... a thought for food?
There is this story about these hard-working fishers.. who got up very early every morning to work hard at their nets and provide for their family.. living day by day like this for.. generations.
One day, along comes this.. wandering prophet... who tells them to get up, leave everything behind and wander away with him... to become like.. his outreach. which they did do.
On another day, the group sat on a hill, hungry.. and the prophet asked if there was any food to be had. Strangely, there was.. a little. certainly not enough for the whole group. But somehow, it stretched out, filled them all up, and there were even leftovers.
That must have taken a lot of faith, for the fishers to do something like that. To just up, and leave everything they had worked so hard for. Trusting in some unseen unknown to provide for them? ..or simply choosing not to worry about it, perhaps.
And what about the one who offered up his meager lunch for the group? What could he/she have been thinking? "well, I don't actually need this food... just because its the day and age where you have to work really hard for whatever scraps you can manage to get hold of"? or maybe.. "Here I am, being soo selfless..in giving up what is likely to be my only meal for the day, if not for the next several days, to these guys.... and what will I get in return, huh? you think they are going to pay me?"
and even after.. when he got the leftovers back... was he thankful and surprised? was he maybe a little bitter that all his nice food had been handled by a whole group of dirty smelly guys?
How many people in today's world, would even consider doing such things?
Take Me to Tomorrow
by John Denver
Hey everybody, tell me how do you feel? Are you satisfied with your life, do you think it's real?
Tell me.. how is your head, what are your dreams?
Do you have any plans, do you have any schemes?
Do you care about, about anybody? I'd like to know, is the answer "no"?
Hey everybody, tell me, what's on your mind?
Do you think there's nowhere else to go, that there's nothing left to find?
Are you happy where you are, do you have anything to share?
Do you think you're gonna waste your life.. spending it there?
Would you like to find a way out, do you think it's worth a try?
I'd like to know, is the answer "no"? Well maybe so....
Comeon..Take me to tomorrow, take me there today, I've had my fill of sorrow and living this way.
Take me to tomorrow, that's where I'd like to be, the day after tomorrow is waiting for me.
Listening to: A rattling fan
Current Show: Leverage, Psych, warehouse 13, and Haven
Feeling: ehh kinda crappy atm
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook(somewhat)
Obsessing Over: inexplicable things
Current Rant: injustice and lack of understanding
One day, along comes this.. wandering prophet... who tells them to get up, leave everything behind and wander away with him... to become like.. his outreach. which they did do.
On another day, the group sat on a hill, hungry.. and the prophet asked if there was any food to be had. Strangely, there was.. a little. certainly not enough for the whole group. But somehow, it stretched out, filled them all up, and there were even leftovers.
That must have taken a lot of faith, for the fishers to do something like that. To just up, and leave everything they had worked so hard for. Trusting in some unseen unknown to provide for them? ..or simply choosing not to worry about it, perhaps.
And what about the one who offered up his meager lunch for the group? What could he/she have been thinking? "well, I don't actually need this food... just because its the day and age where you have to work really hard for whatever scraps you can manage to get hold of"? or maybe.. "Here I am, being soo selfless..in giving up what is likely to be my only meal for the day, if not for the next several days, to these guys.... and what will I get in return, huh? you think they are going to pay me?"
and even after.. when he got the leftovers back... was he thankful and surprised? was he maybe a little bitter that all his nice food had been handled by a whole group of dirty smelly guys?
How many people in today's world, would even consider doing such things?
Take Me to Tomorrow
by John Denver
Hey everybody, tell me how do you feel? Are you satisfied with your life, do you think it's real?
Tell me.. how is your head, what are your dreams?
Do you have any plans, do you have any schemes?
Do you care about, about anybody? I'd like to know, is the answer "no"?
Hey everybody, tell me, what's on your mind?
Do you think there's nowhere else to go, that there's nothing left to find?
Are you happy where you are, do you have anything to share?
Do you think you're gonna waste your life.. spending it there?
Would you like to find a way out, do you think it's worth a try?
I'd like to know, is the answer "no"? Well maybe so....
Comeon..Take me to tomorrow, take me there today, I've had my fill of sorrow and living this way.
Take me to tomorrow, that's where I'd like to be, the day after tomorrow is waiting for me.
Listening to: A rattling fan
Current Show: Leverage, Psych, warehouse 13, and Haven
Feeling: ehh kinda crappy atm
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook(somewhat)
Obsessing Over: inexplicable things
Current Rant: injustice and lack of understanding
Monday, July 19, 2010
Worries for a Foundation
Once again, it seems, our wondrous leader appears to be dangerously close to stomping on the rules of our forefathers.. rules that were the founding strength of everything that makes us who we are today. and before you scoff.. rules and thoughts that, yes... still prove true today. I worry for our future.
Yes, I said 'again' Ok, I put a {Link here} for a blog entry concerning this subject.
Now we have in issue with the internet. There should already be in place, the thought that the head of our great land should, if emergency arises, be able to gain some control of the net in our area... after all, he already does with the rest of our communication abilities, right? The problem is... if the control were given without the 'emergency' specifications and details thereof.. it will give the 'king' a tad more power then he should have. History already gives us a clue as to what happens after that. Now you might think I'm going on about issues that are not yet come.. worrying over nothing, essentially. but we have already seen evidence of the unconstitutional munching this will cause. Messages are popping up all over the net, seized and closed down by the government... movie pirates, music pirates, and whole blogging servers (need proof?.. here's a {link} to a fairly well-known blog site.).
While I don't, as your average citizen, have much to say concerning the shut-down of internet pirating.. that last little "blog" detail is a problem. As the anti-war howlers (and the pro-war howlers as well...)love to point out.. Freedom of speech, baby! That's the 1st amendment. It's another one of those rules there were created as a foundation for this great nation of ours. Is this the start of something bigger and badder? Are you worried as well, that it just might be?
Consider this: If you have one bad apple in a whole bushel of good apples, do you throw out the whole bushel? Our gov seems to think so and our leader is pushing the new laws into place, in spite of the protesting of the people he governs.
From all I have witnessed thus far, I'd say...

Listening to: Alexander Rybak
Current Show: Leverage, Psych, Heroes
Feeling: ehh
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook
Obsessing Over: -.-
Current Rant: The heat, politics. government,
history, and the general craze of living.
Yes, I said 'again' Ok, I put a {Link here} for a blog entry concerning this subject.
Now we have in issue with the internet. There should already be in place, the thought that the head of our great land should, if emergency arises, be able to gain some control of the net in our area... after all, he already does with the rest of our communication abilities, right? The problem is... if the control were given without the 'emergency' specifications and details thereof.. it will give the 'king' a tad more power then he should have. History already gives us a clue as to what happens after that. Now you might think I'm going on about issues that are not yet come.. worrying over nothing, essentially. but we have already seen evidence of the unconstitutional munching this will cause. Messages are popping up all over the net, seized and closed down by the government... movie pirates, music pirates, and whole blogging servers (need proof?.. here's a {link} to a fairly well-known blog site.).
While I don't, as your average citizen, have much to say concerning the shut-down of internet pirating.. that last little "blog" detail is a problem. As the anti-war howlers (and the pro-war howlers as well...)love to point out.. Freedom of speech, baby! That's the 1st amendment. It's another one of those rules there were created as a foundation for this great nation of ours. Is this the start of something bigger and badder? Are you worried as well, that it just might be?
Consider this: If you have one bad apple in a whole bushel of good apples, do you throw out the whole bushel? Our gov seems to think so and our leader is pushing the new laws into place, in spite of the protesting of the people he governs.
From all I have witnessed thus far, I'd say...
Listening to: Alexander Rybak
Current Show: Leverage, Psych, Heroes
Feeling: ehh
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook
Obsessing Over: -.-
Current Rant: The heat, politics. government,
history, and the general craze of living.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A slight history lesson
There was this guy born in Austria.. died in Sweden... whose name was Josef Frank.
He was an architect, engineer, and a textile designer. He worked with Oskar Strnad, a man in common with his work. in 1965, he received the Grand Austrian state Prize for his architecture, which showed his love of space, function, and comfort. He was probably best known, though, for his whimsical texture styles.

for more reading refs...
Faces of Design
He was an architect, engineer, and a textile designer. He worked with Oskar Strnad, a man in common with his work. in 1965, he received the Grand Austrian state Prize for his architecture, which showed his love of space, function, and comfort. He was probably best known, though, for his whimsical texture styles.
for more reading refs...
Faces of Design
Thursday, July 01, 2010
It was a Mugwump, Professor, honest!
I remember.. a time when I was out on the apprenticeship trail. It felt like a long never ending line to me. Arch-wizard mugwump, said that this was the best thing for me... just before zooming off to the south desert-land and all the sun iced tea he could possibly guzzle. I felt a little abandoned.. even as I faced my fears of unknown situations coming up. Ol Mugwump had given my name out to willing ears without my knowledge...not a new situation, really.
With a great deal of trepidation. I finally arrived at my destination in one piece and met the 'family' which was fairly large. They were dour strangers tho.. and their smiles and welcome were quite temporary. The head wizard was indeed the ruler of the roost and he seemed rather unkempt and none-to-agreeable, although polite enough, I suppose. I was there long enough to wonder again at the fix I may have gotten myself into.. and an episode with several large twisting disasters.
Fortunately, none were hurt that I was then aware of. One evening, as I sat listening to music in my cluttered 'new' bedroom, there came a knock at the door. The local constabulary was there along with some ill-tempered long-nosed female who gruffly insisted I pack my bags immediately. (At least.. I think she was female.)
Having no choice in the matter, I repacked what I could and followed my carried things to the door. It seems the wizard was not fit for mastering.. and had gotten into a fair bit of trouble. and so by my presence there, I was in trouble as well.
I was quickly stuffed aboard a coach, told never to return to the area, and given escort clear to the border like some dangerous unwanted criminal. It was quite the event really. One I don't care to repeat.
Listening to: Hell yeah
by Montgomery Gentry
Reading: this blog?
Current Show: Leverage and Psych
Feeling:somewhere between
peaceful and slightly depressed.
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook
Obsessing Over: movie cgi. wow!
Current Rant: The heat, the bugs, the annoyances!
With a great deal of trepidation. I finally arrived at my destination in one piece and met the 'family' which was fairly large. They were dour strangers tho.. and their smiles and welcome were quite temporary. The head wizard was indeed the ruler of the roost and he seemed rather unkempt and none-to-agreeable, although polite enough, I suppose. I was there long enough to wonder again at the fix I may have gotten myself into.. and an episode with several large twisting disasters.
Fortunately, none were hurt that I was then aware of. One evening, as I sat listening to music in my cluttered 'new' bedroom, there came a knock at the door. The local constabulary was there along with some ill-tempered long-nosed female who gruffly insisted I pack my bags immediately. (At least.. I think she was female.)
Having no choice in the matter, I repacked what I could and followed my carried things to the door. It seems the wizard was not fit for mastering.. and had gotten into a fair bit of trouble. and so by my presence there, I was in trouble as well.
I was quickly stuffed aboard a coach, told never to return to the area, and given escort clear to the border like some dangerous unwanted criminal. It was quite the event really. One I don't care to repeat.
Listening to: Hell yeah
by Montgomery Gentry
Reading: this blog?
Current Show: Leverage and Psych
Feeling:somewhere between
peaceful and slightly depressed.
Internet Tabs: Mabi, Facebook
Obsessing Over: movie cgi. wow!
Current Rant: The heat, the bugs, the annoyances!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
oahh its a fairytale!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Drama bus stops here & the King just disembarked
Before you say I toja-so.. I'll say, you probably right. Seems my heart is quite good at getting me into trouble, intended, conscience or otherwise. Everyone warned me.. they all said it was done with when he first dropped it all onto my head. I know. I cried and agonized and cried some more over it all, then thought... maybe, just maybe.. we could still be friends... if i work harder at guarding myself.. to distance myself should I feel trouble in the making... and just when I started to relax, thinking it could maybe work, and I was fairly happy... it all happened again. Somehow he turned everything around, twisted it, and threw it into my face. So yeah.. ok.. I know it for real now. the boy has mental issues, 'broken' and victimized by his own warped will. and while I can handle a great deal, simply for the sake of friendship... I can't handle this one anymore. He has gone and torn us apart once again..and this time.. I don't think there's any hope of retrieval... even as I can still feel my tendency to support him.. hoping it was just a tantrum. He can be a loving fun personality, but his mood-shifts are out of control, he is volatile, with a whiplash temper at the most unexpected of times. I can do without his sudden verbal abuse.
I -am- greatly saddened by the whole mess... and by the loss of, what I considered, a precious friendship. All of this was due to my attempting to apologize for thinking I stung with my words.(I responded in kind when he said he thought I was the moodiest person he had ever met.)
In words of those whose sage advice I hear with a bit more clarity today.. "You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em. Know when to walk away, and know when to run." -The Gambler
This is me... walking away... at last.
Listening to: the soft purring of a cat
Reading: not much..makes my eyes really hurt.
Current Show: none
Feeling: sad
Internet Tabs: Facebook
Obsessing Over: none
Current Concern: wondering how much longer I will be staying with Facebook (and Mabi?), and where I should go next. Thinking I might be needing an indefinite break.
I -am- greatly saddened by the whole mess... and by the loss of, what I considered, a precious friendship. All of this was due to my attempting to apologize for thinking I stung with my words.(I responded in kind when he said he thought I was the moodiest person he had ever met.)
In words of those whose sage advice I hear with a bit more clarity today.. "You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em. Know when to walk away, and know when to run." -The Gambler
This is me... walking away... at last.
Listening to: the soft purring of a cat
Reading: not much..makes my eyes really hurt.
Current Show: none
Feeling: sad
Internet Tabs: Facebook
Obsessing Over: none
Current Concern: wondering how much longer I will be staying with Facebook (and Mabi?), and where I should go next. Thinking I might be needing an indefinite break.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Make the World go away
by Hank Cochran.. sung by Elvis :P
Make the world go away
Get it off my shoulder
Say the things we used to say
And make the world, make it go away
Do you remember when you loved me
Before the world took you away
Well if you do, then forgive me
And make the world, make it go away
Make the world go away
Get it off my shoulder
Say the things we used to say
And make the world, make it go away
Now I’m sorry if I hurt you
Let me make it up to you day by day
And if you will please forgive me
And make the world, make it go away
Make the world go away
Get it off my shoulder
Say the things we used to say
And make the world, make it go away
Been another drama day for me. After all the hubub and dust settles once again, I am left feeling. oddly down. Not.. bored and depressed exactly. just... down. Not sure just what to do about it yet. Maybe the feeling will just go away on its own, do you think? A person can always hope, I suppose.
by Hank Cochran.. sung by Elvis :P
Make the world go away
Get it off my shoulder
Say the things we used to say
And make the world, make it go away
Do you remember when you loved me
Before the world took you away
Well if you do, then forgive me
And make the world, make it go away
Make the world go away
Get it off my shoulder
Say the things we used to say
And make the world, make it go away
Now I’m sorry if I hurt you
Let me make it up to you day by day
And if you will please forgive me
And make the world, make it go away
Make the world go away
Get it off my shoulder
Say the things we used to say
And make the world, make it go away
Been another drama day for me. After all the hubub and dust settles once again, I am left feeling. oddly down. Not.. bored and depressed exactly. just... down. Not sure just what to do about it yet. Maybe the feeling will just go away on its own, do you think? A person can always hope, I suppose.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 09, 2010
another damp day in the heat of the moment
Happy Mothers day to all you moms out there!
The weather where I am, is going on summer steam. Somehow it still feels like its early for such a thing. Maybe it's just the typical dread of the summer months getting to me. I hear it's still snowing in places in the north. Wish I was there already. well, maybe it will rain and cool things down a little. A person can always hope, I suppose.
Don't you just hate it when a company or group, makes for a mandatory password change, then changes the 'secret' question to requiring some other bits of information that you cannot hope to remember.. all without saying a word? This has happened to me just recently. and for the life of me, I cannot figure on just how to rectify the problems this has created.
In other thoughts, I was speaking to a friend of mine last evening, who was lamenting about the past and how things have changed.. wishing and missing.
She added that it's kind of funny how you run to a game or something, hoping to get away from reality's drama... and before you know it, drama is created within the game. now, the whole deep thoughts concerning drama aside, I can agree with her. It's almost hard to believe that so much time has passed, that things should change enough to make me miss how things were. (Pardon the muddled thoughts getting in the way of my trying-to-be-clear sentences.)
I do miss a few things even within the world of my current online home.
I miss how things seemed so fresh and new.. with new people/friends/experiences around every corner. The fun I had running all over the place. Its almost...like.. cant quite put my finger on just what in particular has changed.. something I didn't notice until it was gone, I guess... or is it just me?
I used to love any excuse for a celebration.. the otter was my totem..
anymore though, I'm starting to wonder if it has changed to the badger. Just want to be left alone in my grumbling misery. What changed? Why? How might I get that spark of life back again?
ehhh my eyes hurt.
Listening to: Ace of Base
Reading: not much
Current Show: Star Trek Voyager
Feeling: grumblish
Internet Tabs: Mabi
Obsessing Over: whys
Current Rant: ...
The weather where I am, is going on summer steam. Somehow it still feels like its early for such a thing. Maybe it's just the typical dread of the summer months getting to me. I hear it's still snowing in places in the north. Wish I was there already. well, maybe it will rain and cool things down a little. A person can always hope, I suppose.
Don't you just hate it when a company or group, makes for a mandatory password change, then changes the 'secret' question to requiring some other bits of information that you cannot hope to remember.. all without saying a word? This has happened to me just recently. and for the life of me, I cannot figure on just how to rectify the problems this has created.
In other thoughts, I was speaking to a friend of mine last evening, who was lamenting about the past and how things have changed.. wishing and missing.
She added that it's kind of funny how you run to a game or something, hoping to get away from reality's drama... and before you know it, drama is created within the game. now, the whole deep thoughts concerning drama aside, I can agree with her. It's almost hard to believe that so much time has passed, that things should change enough to make me miss how things were. (Pardon the muddled thoughts getting in the way of my trying-to-be-clear sentences.)
I do miss a few things even within the world of my current online home.
I miss how things seemed so fresh and new.. with new people/friends/experiences around every corner. The fun I had running all over the place. Its almost...like.. cant quite put my finger on just what in particular has changed.. something I didn't notice until it was gone, I guess... or is it just me?
I used to love any excuse for a celebration.. the otter was my totem..
anymore though, I'm starting to wonder if it has changed to the badger. Just want to be left alone in my grumbling misery. What changed? Why? How might I get that spark of life back again?
ehhh my eyes hurt.
Listening to: Ace of Base
Reading: not much
Current Show: Star Trek Voyager
Feeling: grumblish
Internet Tabs: Mabi
Obsessing Over: whys
Current Rant: ...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
In the company of Boober..
When I was really little, my big sis had this rabbit. It had to have been the biggest rabbit ever seen... and for some reason, it thought it was a dog. Boober wasn't the rabbits original name, I don't believe... but my mother caused a change after a neighbor thought she was yelling out that she was in love with him.. as she was trying to call in the rabbit. (I did mention he thought he was a dog, right?) anyway, so boober was his name. It was something of a nasty-tempered rabbit to most.. except to me. boober and I were like the best of friends.. I'd tow him around in typical little kid fashion, lay on him, maul and bowl him over and he didn't seem to mind in the slightest. my brother couldn't even get close to him though, or boober would chase him... all teeth and claws. I am to this day, thankful that he was such a big rabbit, better able to withstand the abuse of little kidlett attention. He was, for a 4-footed sort, my bestest buddy for a time there. his demise came at the paws of a surprise dog pack ambush. I still miss him.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
lol quote
Captain Janeway to Lt Kim... "Mr Kim. we are Starfleet officers, Weird is part of the job." Star Trek: Voyager Season 2, Episode 21
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Health care.. Whatever is he thinking?!
I have been hearing a lot of pro's and con's of the new health idea of our wondrously elected leader of late. Now, on the one hand, I can see the value of overhauling the whole health deal... it's a needed time for it.
On the other hand though.. Forcing people to pay for insurance or suffer a yearly fine.. is this really the way to go? Its not very constitutional, is it?
(9th and in particular, the 10th amendment.. "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." *link here* and "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.")*link here*
It certainly doesn't give a single benefit for those of the "lower class" system... think homeless here... or self-styled or even those self-employed. if you are living hand to mouth.. you cannot afford insurance.. not even on a 'reasonable' sliding scale.. how are you supposed to afford the fees for not having it? what becomes of those country folk that cannot handle anything more then keeping themselves fed and relatively warm and dry? how does this 'new health' idea plan to deal with the needfully non-payers? and what of those here 'illegally'? yes, I know.. it is a good way to discourage those sorts, but what if there's an emergency? what if said illegal or homeless gets run-over and is bleeding on the sidewalk? I'm told that under this new 'mandatory' insurance idea, none would be turned aside for health care... but what of those without it? Will they be turned-aside because they don't have the bucks for the insurance?
The idea of making someone pay for possible life injury (car insurance to cover possible accidents)is one thing, after all, some of us do not drive, and therefor don't have to have the insurance to cover a possible accident. But making someone pay simply for being alive is totally something else, especially if it is a requirement to pay a private company such as what health insurance is.
All in all, this seems to be taking the future down a considerably darker road then many might realize. This idea is so chok-full of holes it is bound to sink at the first sign of real rain. I have never before seen such a sloppy idea get pushed into law.. and hope I never do again.. but then, I suppose its a sign of things to come, isn't it?
Listening to: Basshunter
Reading: News
Current Show: Star Trek Enterprise
Feeling: a bit worn out
Internet Tabs: Blogs in general
Obsessing Over: Finding scam-less online work
Current Rant: You just read it.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
More on the drama life
It seems Kt did get the idea.. of sorts, but 'couldn't help himself' in understanding just what the glaring 'Hands-off' sign was trying to convey and he frightened me off. Then, as a bonus... he got a threatening note from mr K. I guess that's the end of that friendship. Maybe just as well. I may not be easily frightened by such idiotsy, but that guy creeped me out in a major way.
It was really nice to hear mr K say that although he knew he couldn't tell me who to or not to speak with, he would protect me. I took that as a reflection on the past issues I had with mr Tf.. who couldn't seem to figure out just why I would want to be friends with someone he didn't get along with. And for that, I was rather flattered.
Speaking of mr Tf... He as done a lot of tacking of late. first going this way, then that in the general breeze of our friendship. and to think, I was just starting to get a bit more comfortable in the way things are too. One moment he's all happy and sweet ripples.. and the next he snaps as sharp as an accusing ice flow... then, while I'm still swamped from that... over the last several days of silence... he goes on to being the overboard confessing kind. I'm starting to feel rather water-logged from all the choppy surf here.

I have been feeling rather restless, bored and depressed of late.. not sure just why that is. I do hope I can shake it off soon. Maybe it's the 'sidewalk-stomping' woes.
Listening to: Smile.dk
Reading: not much atm
Current Show: Star Trek tng/Enterprise
Feeling: blehhish
Internet Tabs: facebook, youtube
Obsessing Over: how low I feel, I guess
Current Rant: nothing in particular

Happy Easter!
It was really nice to hear mr K say that although he knew he couldn't tell me who to or not to speak with, he would protect me. I took that as a reflection on the past issues I had with mr Tf.. who couldn't seem to figure out just why I would want to be friends with someone he didn't get along with. And for that, I was rather flattered.
Speaking of mr Tf... He as done a lot of tacking of late. first going this way, then that in the general breeze of our friendship. and to think, I was just starting to get a bit more comfortable in the way things are too. One moment he's all happy and sweet ripples.. and the next he snaps as sharp as an accusing ice flow... then, while I'm still swamped from that... over the last several days of silence... he goes on to being the overboard confessing kind. I'm starting to feel rather water-logged from all the choppy surf here.
I have been feeling rather restless, bored and depressed of late.. not sure just why that is. I do hope I can shake it off soon. Maybe it's the 'sidewalk-stomping' woes.
Listening to: Smile.dk
Reading: not much atm
Current Show: Star Trek tng/Enterprise
Feeling: blehhish
Internet Tabs: facebook, youtube
Obsessing Over: how low I feel, I guess
Current Rant: nothing in particular
Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
more of the drama life... and a new land, perhaps
been kind of a low odd week for me, glad the week is over, hope the weekend plays host to better plan for the weeks ahead.
Happy to see that mr. Tf has returned to things.. even as I was also happy to see him head for the dreamingtime a bit early. grouchy. sheesh! Hope he's feeling more rested tomorrow. He can be a lot of fun to be around when he's feeling good.
Finally got around, somehow, to telling mr Kt pointedly, the thing he apparently missed on the first several times through. at which point he stopped speaking with me. I felt badly for the loss of a friendship... I do hope it was for the best for all concerned tho. Something about him seriously bugged me. he made me sooo uncomfortable to be around.
mr. K got a bit... upset by the news.. but hopefully he got over it quickly and completely with all the convo that ensued.
So glad I had my sis's support. hehe it really causes smiles to think I can call someone so very cool such a thing. Very Valuable friends to me... both she and her rl sis. I feel pretty fortunate. I had a total blast this evening jumping on the new event teeter-totters with her. I Was really amazed we jumped all the way to the moon to see the huge moon bunnies and the chick-sized cows. Unfortunately, poor sis forgot to speak with the head honcho of town first. we tried a restart, but by then, I was lagging so badly, and was so sleepy.. we didn't get very far. but! we shall endeavor to try again! After all, we got there once. so we know its possible.
Ran into an old 'gf' while visiting the moon. I'm glad she is still about the general area. She seemed in lots better spirits then when last I saw her. somehow I think she has a connection to bro.. maybe an ex? well, i don't think it was the one I met her with that time next to the hay pile north of town. she said she left that one. that he was abusive to her.
I know I said I would give mr. Tf a hand tomorrow.. if i'm around when he wants my help.. still, I am thinking of sneaking in for some spam runs of the clover dungeon tomorrow.. and work my fingers off with potions. I keep meaning too.. and keep getting interrupted/sidetracked/derailed. not that I minded the friendly intervention really. love to do things with friends.. but sometimes.. there just isn't enough time to do all of that with others, and do for me too.
Other side of that moonpie..
I slipped through another portal one day not too long ago. and it took me to a rather odd world... like old tyme tech. lol! I landed on my two feet (yay! not a pooch this time!) and looked around me. great clouds of steam rose overhead and the metallic clanging was almost too much to bear. It took quite a bit for me to get my bearings. there really wernt any helpful people or signs apart from a few souls who seemed mostly interested in my killing several large bunnies for them. I was eventually pointed to a 'garden' and it was suggested I run around in there for the experience I needed. I didn't like it though. there was a strip of relatively 'safe' land all around a barren center, within which people could be seen pursuing others like highway banshees. Most of the people, save a few, were either highly-aggressive opportunists or/and outright rude.
So I found a strange water-traveling contraption and quickly left the area. Amazingly enough, as it turned out, that place was actually the spit of a small island 'hunter' resort. with a little trepidation and a great deal of jubilation, I zipped from town to town, fulfilling quest after quest.. there's a great deal to this place! only a small note of caution.. be careful when dealing with a landwhale's heart. there are some naaasty Mous's in there! (mosquitoes of unusual sizes!) and even if you are thinking you can handle the surrounding walkers n chomper's, these things will drain yer courage dry just by looking at them for the first.. and even the second time!
Happy to see that mr. Tf has returned to things.. even as I was also happy to see him head for the dreamingtime a bit early. grouchy. sheesh! Hope he's feeling more rested tomorrow. He can be a lot of fun to be around when he's feeling good.
Finally got around, somehow, to telling mr Kt pointedly, the thing he apparently missed on the first several times through. at which point he stopped speaking with me. I felt badly for the loss of a friendship... I do hope it was for the best for all concerned tho. Something about him seriously bugged me. he made me sooo uncomfortable to be around.
mr. K got a bit... upset by the news.. but hopefully he got over it quickly and completely with all the convo that ensued.
So glad I had my sis's support. hehe it really causes smiles to think I can call someone so very cool such a thing. Very Valuable friends to me... both she and her rl sis. I feel pretty fortunate. I had a total blast this evening jumping on the new event teeter-totters with her. I Was really amazed we jumped all the way to the moon to see the huge moon bunnies and the chick-sized cows. Unfortunately, poor sis forgot to speak with the head honcho of town first. we tried a restart, but by then, I was lagging so badly, and was so sleepy.. we didn't get very far. but! we shall endeavor to try again! After all, we got there once. so we know its possible.
Ran into an old 'gf' while visiting the moon. I'm glad she is still about the general area. She seemed in lots better spirits then when last I saw her. somehow I think she has a connection to bro.. maybe an ex? well, i don't think it was the one I met her with that time next to the hay pile north of town. she said she left that one. that he was abusive to her.
I know I said I would give mr. Tf a hand tomorrow.. if i'm around when he wants my help.. still, I am thinking of sneaking in for some spam runs of the clover dungeon tomorrow.. and work my fingers off with potions. I keep meaning too.. and keep getting interrupted/sidetracked/derailed. not that I minded the friendly intervention really. love to do things with friends.. but sometimes.. there just isn't enough time to do all of that with others, and do for me too.
Other side of that moonpie..
I slipped through another portal one day not too long ago. and it took me to a rather odd world... like old tyme tech. lol! I landed on my two feet (yay! not a pooch this time!) and looked around me. great clouds of steam rose overhead and the metallic clanging was almost too much to bear. It took quite a bit for me to get my bearings. there really wernt any helpful people or signs apart from a few souls who seemed mostly interested in my killing several large bunnies for them. I was eventually pointed to a 'garden' and it was suggested I run around in there for the experience I needed. I didn't like it though. there was a strip of relatively 'safe' land all around a barren center, within which people could be seen pursuing others like highway banshees. Most of the people, save a few, were either highly-aggressive opportunists or/and outright rude.
So I found a strange water-traveling contraption and quickly left the area. Amazingly enough, as it turned out, that place was actually the spit of a small island 'hunter' resort. with a little trepidation and a great deal of jubilation, I zipped from town to town, fulfilling quest after quest.. there's a great deal to this place! only a small note of caution.. be careful when dealing with a landwhale's heart. there are some naaasty Mous's in there! (mosquitoes of unusual sizes!) and even if you are thinking you can handle the surrounding walkers n chomper's, these things will drain yer courage dry just by looking at them for the first.. and even the second time!
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Monday, January 04, 2010
new years blues?
aww crap. I think I still love him. *headdesk**headdesk*
randomish quote from thee one and only King Otthawk, "No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant. Take peace! The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. There is radiance and glory in darkness, could we but see. And to see, we have only to look."
"Here's some simple advice: Always be yourself. Never take yourself too seriously. And beware of advice from experts, pigs, and members of Parliament." -Kermit
"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing." -Agatha Christie
"Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life." -Mark Twain
Listening to: Basshunter
Reading: Its not easy being green...and other things to consider.
Current Show: nothing
Feeling: sad, chilly(its cold out), and reflective.
Internet Tabs: BrightShadow
Obsessing Over: heartbreak grumbles and moving woes.
Current Rant: see above.
randomish quote from thee one and only King Otthawk, "No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant. Take peace! The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. There is radiance and glory in darkness, could we but see. And to see, we have only to look."
"Here's some simple advice: Always be yourself. Never take yourself too seriously. And beware of advice from experts, pigs, and members of Parliament." -Kermit
"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing." -Agatha Christie
"Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life." -Mark Twain
Listening to: Basshunter
Reading: Its not easy being green...and other things to consider.
Current Show: nothing
Feeling: sad, chilly(its cold out), and reflective.
Internet Tabs: BrightShadow
Obsessing Over: heartbreak grumbles and moving woes.
Current Rant: see above.
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